Page 176 of Daddies' Captive

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“Hmm. Good rule.” Steele nodded.

Grady pulled out that darn list and a pen and added it.

“Do you carry that thing everywhere?” she asked.


Good Lord.

He started cooking the eggs, then turned to slice up an avocado. She wouldn’t lie, it smelled delicious.

“When you say everything . . . do you really mean, everything?”

“Yes,” Steele said. “Doesn’t mean you have to give it all to us right now. As long as there are no threats to you, physical or emotional. Those things we need to know now. There are things about us we might not give to you yet. But when the time is right, we will. Yeah?”

“Okay, yeah.” She got it.

“But we’re all in with you. And eventually, we want you to be completely in too. Understand?”

She thought so. Eventually, they’d want to know all of her. And have all of her. And she’d have the same from them. But if there were things she couldn’t tell them right now, as long as they weren’t a risk to her, she could keep them to herself.

Shoot. She was learning to speak alpha male. That was scary.

There wasn’t much she was holding back anymore, but she wasn’t positive she could say the same for them.

“Food is ready,” Grady told them. “I’ll get coffee.”

“Let’s get you over to the table.” Steele lifted her off the counter, cradling her against his chest.

“I can walk.”

“I like to carry you. And I’m used to getting what I want. So expect me to carry you a lot.”

“Anyone ever tell you that you’re very arrogant?”

“Sure, they didn’t live long, though.”

“What?” she asked.

He sat in a chair with her in his lap. “Joking, baby girl.”


“I can also sit on my own chair.”

“Hmm. I don’t know. I was thinking that you might need a high chair. So you’ll stay where you’re put.”

“W-what?” She stumbled over the word as Grady put a huge plate of eggs, toast, and avocado slices on the table. Whoa. That wasn’t all for her, right?

He went back to the kitchen and returned with three mugs of coffee.

Then he sat in the chair next to them. “Agreed.”

Her eyes widened. “I didn’t think you were a Daddy Dom, Grady?”

“I’ve never had much to do with Littles beyond spending time with Millie. That’s Spike’s Little. Spike is Steele’s brother-in-law. I didn’t think I had it in me to give a Little what they needed. My nurturing side is a bit . . . stunted. Growing up, my parents didn’t show me or each other affection. I’ve learned to fake it over the years with others. With you, I don’t want to do that anymore.”

She sucked in a breath, not knowing what to say.
