Page 18 of Daddies' Captive

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He eyed her. “You went outside in February in Montana without gloves?”

He made it sound like she’d gone outside while naked. That had nearly happened once. She’d missed putting out the garbage bin the night before. Oh, she’d had panties on, but still . . . she was grateful she’d realized her error when she’d opened the doors and the cool air hit her nipples.

“I’ve lost you again.”

“What? I’m here. I’m good.”

“Are you?” he asked.

“Uh-huh. Are you good?” It was nice to ask people how they were doing, right?

“What I am is angry.”

“You are?”

He didn’t look or sound angry.

“I am.”

“You don’t look it,” she told him.

“Then you’ll have to take my word for it. I am upset. With you.”

Ouch. That felt like a punch to the gut.

“Mr. Grady—” she started to say.

“It’s just Grady.”

“Oh. Uh, that’s not what you told Lucy.”

He just looked at her. “That’s for Lucy. For you, it’s just Grady.”

That turned the pain in her stomach into something warmer that filled her whole body.

“All right, Grady. Why are you upset with me?”

“Are you kidding me?” he asked, turning her words from earlier back on her.

“Um, no,” she said. “Why are you mad?”

“You left.”

“Oh. But you left first.”

Lame, Effie. Really lame.

Lord, she really could use some jelly beans right now. And a hug from Slowly. And some painkillers.

“I left, but I was coming back. Were you coming back?” he asked.

“I might have been?”

“I believe we have discussed lying. What did I say to you before I left?”

“It was more like what did you order me before you left.”

“Yes, it was,” he replied calmly. “And what did I order you?”
