Page 19 of Daddies' Captive

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“To stay here and not move.”

“Did you stay?”

“Um, no.”

“You disobeyed me.”

Damn, he had this whole stern professor thing going on right now.

And she could be the naughty college student . . . uh-uh, no. Stop, Effie. This was not the time for her imagination to run wild on her.

“Effie? Why did you leave?” he asked.

“Well, I didn’t see much point in staying. I didn’t get the job and I need to get home.” So she could scour the internet for another job. Or bus tickets for her and Brooks to get to Wanton, Wyoming.

Yep, that was really the name of the town where April lived.

Pretty awesome.

“You didn’t see much point in staying?” he repeated.

“Um, yeah.”

“What about the fact that I still needed to check whether you were well enough to move around by yourself?”

Uh. Right.

Now she felt terrible.

It wouldn’t have hurt her to wait around a few minutes for him to return.

Except . . . he’d been gone a while and she’d grown more embarrassed with each passing second.

“And that I came back expecting to see you where I put you.”

Okay, she wasn’t feeling so terrible now. In fact, she was feeling kind of mad.

“Where you put me?” she asked in a quiet voice.

“Yes, Twinkletoes, where I put you.” He leaned in and she felt her heartbeat quicken at his closeness.

Not in fear. Or anger.

Nope. It was another emotion rushing through her. One that had her pressing her thighs together as her clit throbbed.

“I don’t think I have to stay where you put me when I don’t belong to you.”

He leaned back and she missed having his face near hers. Seeing those tiny flecks of brown in his amazingly green eyes.

Shoot. Why did she go and say that?

“What about if you worked for me? Would you need to stay where I put you then?”

A shiver ran through her.

“You’re still cold,” he said, misinterpreting her shiver. “You shouldn’t be walking around in this weather without gloves. Or a scarf. Or a hat. Or without shoes that fit, for that matter.”

He got up, opened a cupboard at the wall behind his desk and pulled out a soft-looking deep blue blanket.
