Page 197 of Daddies' Captive

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“Not gonna lie, baby. Was the fucking worst day of my life. Didn’t think I was going to keep going. Didn’t want to keep going. Not without my light. Only thing that kept me going was Grady.”

“Does he know that?” she asked.

“He knows what he means to me,” he said with certainty. Although a part of him wasn’t so sure.

“Maybe you should tell him anyway. And that’s why you didn’t think you’d ever be in a relationship?”

“Couldn’t imagine ever falling in love. Risking losing someone again seemed impossible.”

“But you’ve always had someone. Grady.”

He tightened his arms around her. “Smart, aren’t you? You’re right. I’ve always had someone to lose. And I never have.” He stared off into the distance. “Guess I always thought he was strong enough to survive.”

“Or maybe you’ve still been holding a piece of you back. To make sure you don’t hurt as bad again if something happens to him.”

He stood in shock, setting her on her feet. “What are you saying?”

“I don’t know.” She turned away, then turned back with a big smile on her face. “Didn’t you say we were going in the hot tub?”

It was her fake smile. The one he hated.

“Don’t do that, baby. You don’t have to be scared that you upset me and hide. Either behind a fake smile or by actually hiding under something.”

She bit her lip and her hand rose to her earring. Then she seemed to think better of it and dropped it.

“Good girl,” he murmured, leaning forward to kiss her forehead. “You’re such a good baby.”

“And you’re a good Daddy. And an amazing brother and friend. We’d all be lost without you, Damon Steele. So don’t you ever talk about not being able to carry on, understand me?” She gave him a fierce look.

“I understand you. You want to tell me what you meant by me holding back with Grady?”

“Not right now.”

“Hmm. Now, how about instead of that hot tub, we make some playdough?”

Her eyes widened. “You can make playdough?”

“Yep. I sure can.”

She clapped her hands. “Let’s do this.”

“Good. Why you’re being punished, I’ll make you some lunch and some playdough.”

“What? Why? I didn’t do nothing wrong, Daddy!” Her hands crept to cover her bottom just in case.

“Did you stay where you were put? What did I say to you?” he asked sternly.

“Oh shoot.”

“Fifty lines, baby girl. Saying you will stay where you’re put.”

Well, bummer.

* * *

Jeez,lines sucked.

They sucked sooo bad.
