Page 198 of Daddies' Captive

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By the time she finished them, her hand was ready to drop off.

“Daddy, my hand hurts!” she called out from the kitchen table where she was sitting.

Steele and Grady were working in the kitchen, making lunch and playdough.

“You do the crime, then you have to do the time, baby girl,” Steele replied.

She let her lower lip slip out.

“Poor Twinkletoes. Want me to kiss it better?” Grady asked, unexpectedly.

“I don’ts think that kisses will help,” she told him with a pathetic sniffle. “I thinks it’s gonna drop off.”

“We can’t have that.” Grady sat in the chair next to her, then picked up her hand and kissed it lightly.

Okay, that seemed quite a Daddy thing to do.

And she loved it. Even if he didn’t want to be her Daddy, it seemed like he didn’t shy away from looking after her Little.

“There. How does that feel?”

“I thinks it’s all better. It’s a miracle!” She raised her hands up in the air. “Although I thinks that I should have magic beans. Just to make sure.”

“No jelly beans before lunch,” Steele decreed.

“Gosh, Daddy. You are such a meanie.”

“Sometimes, a Daddy just has to be mean.” Steele walked over and set a plate of green things in front of her. Then he picked up the pad and read over it.

Sheesh, didn’t he trust her?

“What’s this stuff, Daddy? Is it your lunch?”

“And yours,” he replied.

“Nuh-uh, this is green.”

“Don’t tell me you don’t eat green things?” Grady asked with amusement as he walked back to the kitchen and drew something out of the oven. Now, that smelled good.

“Is that lasagna?” she asked.

“Sure is,” Grady replied.

“Yummy!” She threw her hands in the air again.

Steele put the pad down. “That’s cute, but you need to try a kale chip.”

“I don’t think I do, Daddy.”

“You do if you want to play with some playdough after lunch.”

“Daddy! That’s not nice.”

Steele just gave her a stern look.

“What if it makes me sick?”

“You think I would give you something that made you sick?” Steele gave her a shocked look.
