Page 229 of Daddies' Captive

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She grabbed what she needed, shoving it in a basket then headed to the check-out.

With her head down, she walked outside.

And banged straight into something solid. Unmovable.

Her arms wind-milled, the bag flying from her hand as she attempted to regain her balance.

“Whoa, you all right there, doll?” Hands wrapped around her waist before she could fall flat on her ass.


She glanced up at the handsome, if a bit rough-looking man who she’d managed to bang into. There was something strangely familiar looking about him. Perhaps she’d seen him at Pinkies or something.

“I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you! My apologies.”

“It’s all right, doll. Let me help you pick up all your stuff.”

Her stuff? She glanced around. Holy fuck!

“Oh my God!” She went on her hands and knees, scrambling to pick things up off the sidewalk.

“Whoa, doll. Get off your hands and knees. The sidewalk is dirty. Let me get the stuff.” He hauled her up and then brushed off her clothing before picking up the last items. One of which was a pair of period panties. The other a bar of no-sugar chocolate.

“No-sugar chocolate? That’s even a thing?”

“Um, yep. It is. Thank you!” She snatched the things away from him.

“No problem.”

She shoved everything in her shopping bag and then turned back to him, knowing she needed to use her manners. “So sorry for bumping into you.”

“No problem, Twinkletoes.”

When she turned away, she realized that he’d called her Twinkletoes. But that had to be a coincidence.

He was probably using it ironically because you banged into him.

With a groan, she headed back to Pinkies.

And to the ogre she had waiting there.

* * *

As soon asshe walked into her office, she saw him.


Maybe she should have tried to hide.

It wasn’t too late. She eyed the desk he was sitting on. She could run around and hide in there. Of course, he’d know she was there. But there were probably plenty of other places she could hide in Pinkies. It wasn’t open yet. She could hide somewhere and sneak out later.

Great plan.

It was the Thursday after she’d spent the weekend at their place. When Grady had opened up to her, and when she’d learned a bit more about what he needed.

She wished she could say that he’d instantly become more open with her, but he was still somewhat guarded. But she understood that it would take time for him to become more at ease.

They hadn’t had an opportunity to put any of his needs into play. Maybe this weekend since Brooks was spending Saturday night with the twins. And apparently, they were all going to the movies with some girls. Including Stella, the girl he’d stood up for at school.
