Page 251 of Daddies' Captive

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“Effie. Baby girl. Look at me.” Steele was suddenly in front of her. His gaze had almost turned gray and she focused in on him. “That’s it. Listen to me. Everything is going to be all right. You are going to be all right.”

“How do you know?” she whispered.

“Because I won’t allow you to be anything else.”


Steele paced up and down the waiting room. “What the fuck is taking so long?”

Grady glanced up at him from where he’d been typing something on his phone. How he could concentrate on work when their girl was back there being examined, Steele had no idea.

She couldn’t feel her legs.

Worry flooded him.

He could have lost her. Lost both of them.

Just like Jacqui.

No . . . they were alive. Which meant he had another chance to take care of them properly.

He just needed to protect them better.

He stopped in front of Grady, studying him closely.

“I’m fine,” Grady told him calmly. “The doctor cleared me. I barely have a scratch on me. It wasn’t a bad crash.”

It wasn’t a bad crash.

No one had died.

They were still both here. Both his.

“No more driving,” he stated. “Raul drives you everywhere from now on.”

Grady raised an eyebrow. “I’m not your sub. And I wasn’t at fault. The accident would have happened even if Raul was driving.”

Because of that bitch.

“I want that other driver dealt with.”

“Already onto it,” Grady told him, raising his phone.

He should have known he would be.

Steele slumped on the seat next to him. “Why can’t she feel her legs?”

Grady frowned. “I don’t know.”

“How are you handling this so well?”

Grady ran a hand over his face. “I’m trying not to freak out because you’re doing enough for the both of us.”

“I’m not freaking out.”

Grady shot him a look. Okay, he was totally freaking out.

“This morning, Effie was upset when I arrived. She’d gotten a letter from a lawyer. It appears that Brooks’ uncle wants custody of him.”
