Page 262 of Daddies' Captive

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“Gorgeous handbag, I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Millie beamed. “That’s because it’s one of a kind. An original Kate Spain.”

Kate Spain?

“One of my friends. I could get her to make you one if you like. Actually, that’s an excellent idea, seeing as you’re going to be my sister-in-law.”


Shock filled her. Even if Steele was anywhere close to proposing . . . she didn’t think that was actually the way it worked.

“Um, Millie, that’s sweet—”

“They’ll all want to meet you, of course. My friends. That’s where we’re off to after we leave here. To Nowhere. But Daddy needed to come here first to talk to Damon about this guy called Wolfe, who turned up at Reaper’s the other night. That’s the name of the bar that Reyes owns, where members of the Iron Shadows hang out. I have something for you.”

“Nowhere?” she asked, her mind spinning as Millie drew a piece of clothing out of her bag.

“Yep, Nowhere. That’s where I’m from. That’s where we’re going. My friends usually come here, but they’re getting pretty old. I don’t tell them that, though. Reverend Pat gets upset.”

She was so confused.

“I made you this.” She held out a bright pink T-shirt with a picture of a sloth on the front. “Damon said you liked sloths and Grady said you like bright colors.”

Millie gave her a curious look as she took her creation. Yeah, she understood that look since she was wearing one of Steele’s black T-shirts today and Slowly was hidden under the covers.

“It’s gorgeous. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Oh, and . . . ta-da!” She drew out a jar filled with blue and white jelly beans. “They also said you like jelly beans, and that your favorites are the blue and white ones. So, I made the ultimate sacrifice and ate the others. Daddy wasn’t too pleased, but he’ll get over it.”

She’d eaten all those jelly beans?

“Don’t worry, I had help,” Millie said as though reading her mind. “There were a lot of jelly beans.”

“Ooh, thank you. I needed some magic beans.”

“Magic beans!” Millie cried. “I love it. And you don’t eat S foods?”

“Um, no.”

“Fair enough. I don’t eat meat.”

There was a knock on the open door and a huge, bald man stepped inside. He folded his arms and gave Millie a stern look.

“Hi, Daddy. This is Effie.”

Spike nodded to her, but his gaze went quickly back to Millie.

“Oh, all right,” Millie said in response to something Spike seemed to communicate without words. “I know, I’m sorry.”

He grunted. “Didn’t have permission.”

“But I had to give Effie the gifts I made.”

“Coulda given it to Steele.”

“But then I couldn’t meet Effie,” Millie argued.

“Two.” He left the room.
