Page 285 of Daddies' Captive

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“Because you just got to come! Effie didn’t get to come. Effie might want someone to make her come.”

“Too bad that Effie is going to get a spanking and lines instead, isn’t it?” he said as she bumped into the wall behind her.

“Bummer,” she muttered as he took her hand and led her back to the dining table. Pulling out a chair, he drew her over his lap.

“What about Brooks?” she asked urgently as Steele opened the drop seat of her onesie and drew down her panties.

“He’s not due back for another two hours,” Grady told her. “There’s no getting out of punishment for you.”


“I’ll go get a pad and pen for her lines,” Grady commented.


The spanking started hard and fast. Steele didn’t give her much time to catch her breath or think as he reddened her ass, making it throb.

She kicked her feet, sobbing.

So mean.

She sniffled as he finished.

“Good girl. All done now,” he murmured, rubbing her lower back.

“That was so so so mean, Daddy!” she cried.

“My poor girl. Effie deserved that, though, didn’t she? She’s got to learn to stay where Daddy puts her. And I don’t want you walking up and down the stairs on your own when you’re in Little headspace. And definitely not when your legs have just started working properly again.”

Her legs were fine.

But she decided not to point that out.

As he moved her clothes back into place, Grady returned. “Here’s the pen and paper.”

“Good.” Steele righted her, setting her in the chair next to him. Ouchie. That hurt her poor butt-butt. “Twenty-five lines saying that you will stay where your Daddies put you.”

With a sigh, she wiped her eyes so she could see. But then Daddy G appeared with a tissue. He grabbed her chin, wiping her face and holding it to her nose.

“Blow,” he commanded.

She knew better than to complain. Although sometimes that didn’t stop her. But this time, she blew and got on with writing her lines. Steele’s phone rang as she neared the end of her lines.

“I’ve got to take this, you got her?” he asked Grady.

“Of course. I’ll get her bottle and put her back down for a nap.”

“No nap!” she cried.

Daddy G sent her a stern look. “You will do as you’re told, Twinkletoes.”

Darn it.

Damon kissed the top of her head and moved out of the room, already on his phone.

She finished her lines with a triumphant shout. “Finished!”

Grady took the piece of paper, reading over it. “Very good.”
