Page 289 of Daddies' Captive

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That was so rude.

Steele moved to sit down with his own plate in front of him. But first, he grabbed hers, cutting the omelet up and then spearing a piece with his fork.

“Here comes the choo-choo train.”

She wanted to be annoyed by their behavior. But it was also so cute. And she kind of loved this high chair. Her feet could swing freely and everything was out of her control.

Leaving her with nothing to worry about.

Except the spinach.

She turned her face away as he got closer. “No.”

“Baby girl,” Steele warned.

“Nope. No.”

“Do you want a spanking? It will make sitting at your desk interesting,” Grady said as he sat and started to eat.

“Effie would like to lodge a formal complaint.”

“Effie’s complaint is denied,” Steele told her. “You can eat your omelet, or I’ll make you a smoothie and bottle-feed it to you.”

That sounded better.

“With spinach in it,” Grady added.

“What? Have you two taken shares out in spinach? This is not cool.”

“Baby girl, just give it a try,” Steele cajoled. “If you really don’t like it, then Grady will make you another omelet.”

It sounded like a hassle.

Sighing, she took a bite and made a face. All right, so she couldn’t really taste it. But it was the principle of it all. And the principle said that she didn’t like spinach and shouldn’t have to eat it.

Grady stood. “I’ll make another omelet.”

But he hadn’t finished eating his and she couldn’t truly taste the spinach.

“I’ll eat the spinach omelet, Daddy G, under protest and as long as you swear that you will never, ever feed me spinach again.”

“How about I promise not to try to feed it to you for another week?” Grady countered.

It was better than she thought she’d get.




She glanced up to see one of the new dancers standing in the doorway.

“Hey, Chantelle,” she said with a smile.

“There’s a young boy out in the parking lot wanting to see you. He says he knows you.”

Hmm. That was weird.
