Page 30 of Daddies' Captive

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Probably wise.

“You’re not swallowing these until you eat,” Steele dictated. “I’ll go get you something. Grady, make sure she stays.”

She gaped at him as he stomped out of the room.

“You were right, I was wrong.”

“That could pertain to many things, sweetheart,” Grady drawled. “Exactly what are you talking about?”

“The fact that he’s bossier.”

“Hmm. He is. But I have to say that he’s being even bossier than usual.”

“Really?” she whispered.


“That doesn’t seem to be a good sign.”

His eyes zeroed in on her. “I can’t be certain, since I don’t know you well, but I think you might need some bossing.”

“I do not.”

“And since I’m about to be your boss, you won’t be able to argue with me when I boss you.”

“I don’t think that’s how it works.” But she knew she’d take it. She’d take whatever was thrown her way as long as it didn’t involve rollercoasters, going out on a boat, any food starting with s–especially vegetables–or selling her body or soul. And to be honest, she’d consider the last two at this point in time.

“It does.”

“Mr. Grady?” she asked.

“We’ve already had this discussion, Effie,” he said firmly. “What do you call me?”

“Grady,” she whispered.

“Right. And yes?”

“Is there really a job? Or do you just feel sorry for me?”

“Why would I feel sorry for you?” he asked as Steele walked back into the room holding a bag of chips.

“Chips?” Grady asked incredulously.

“Don’t start. It was all I could find. The kitchens have just opened and I didn’t want her to wait ten minutes while they made her a salad.”

“It would probably be half an hour since they’d have to run out and get the ingredients for a salad,” Grady replied.

“Chips are fine,” she said hastily. “Chips are good. Salad is not.”

Both sets of eyes shot to her again. Shoot. She really felt that like a lightning bolt straight to her clit.

These guys were potent.

“Chips will do for right now,” Steele said. “They aren’t a substitute for dinner, though.”

They were for her. Since dinner was going to consist of a bag of celebratory jelly beans.

She ate a few chips, trying desperately not to go at them like a dog who’d raided the garbage bin and found some leftover Hamburger Helper. She was hungrier than she’d thought.
