Page 4 of Daddies' Captive

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“Yes?” she asked snootily.

“Um, hi, I’m Effie.”

The other woman continued to stare at her.

“Effie Stephenson. I have an audition at eight-fifteen.”

“You’re late.”

Effie spotted a piece of spinach between the other woman’s two front teeth. She should really tell her about that.

Except . . . she wasn’t late.

Effie glanced at her watch. She had two minutes to spare. She usually liked to be early. But she didn’t think this woman would want to hear how she had spent the last fifteen minutes freaking out in the parking lot.

The urge to turn tail and run was strong. She’d been looking for an excuse and now she had one.

But . . . what other choices did she have?

So she forced herself to push her fears aside and smile brightly. “Who are you?”

The other woman just sniffed and looked down her nose at her.


“It’s not eight-fifteen yet,” Effie pointed out.

“Everyone else was here early.”

Effie smiled cheerfully. Kill them with kindness. “That’s awesome! I’m here now, though. And I’m not actually late.”

The woman’s face tightened, then she looked her up and down. “Interviewing you would be a waste of time. You’re too old and fat.”


Just fucking ouch.

Yeah, okay, she was carrying more weight than she probably should be. Stress made her eat. And what she chose to eat was crap. But if she got this, then she’d be moving more, right? And she could finally afford to buy better food.

She was pretty sure that her teeth would rot if she kept eating cady, and just this morning, a huge clump of hair had come out.

Of course, she had been tugging on her hair at the time as she’d tried to work out her finances.

Adulting was so hard sometimes.

She envied April. Sure, would probably have trouble sitting tomorrow, but she had a man who loved her. A Daddy who took care of her. Who gave her a safe space to be who she wanted to be.

She threw her shoulders back. She wasn’t going to let this woman make her feel bad. What was wrong with boobs and ass and a bit of a belly? Well, maybe more than a bit.

Now, she was glad she hadn’t told this woman about the piece of spinach between her teeth.

That’s not very nice, Effie. People won’t like you if you’re not nice.

The last thing she needed right now was Nan’s advice.

And she still wasn’t telling this woman about the food between her teeth. She’d called Effie fat.

There was a line.
