Page 40 of Daddies' Captive

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“Why’d you offer her a job when we never discussed getting you an assistant?”

“Are you saying you don’t think I need one?”

Steele frowned. “You never mentioned it. But if you need help, why don’t you give Lucy more responsibility or hire her as your assistant? Better than taking on a stranger who we know nothing about.”

“I’m doing a background check on her,” he said, pointing to his computer. “But if you’re worried that Effie won’t be good with everything that goes on here, I intend to keep her working on the legitimate side of things. Oh, and I wouldn’t hire Lucy if you held a hot poker to my balls.”

“You want to expand on that?” Steele asked.

“Not sure there’s much to say. She’s a bitch. A bitch who thinks she can be sweet as pie to your face and you’ll open up your pants and your wallet to her while behind your back, she’s horrible to everyone else. And I’m pretty sure she’s after your fat bank balance more than your fat cock.”

“She thinks she’s getting in with me?” Steele frowned.

“Uh, yeah. Have you not noticed how fake she is around you?”

“I noticed. Figured it was because I was her boss.”

“Lucy is a bitch who is trying to hide that she’s a bitch in front of you to get hold of your fat cock and wallet.”

“Guess I wasn’t really paying her much attention.”

Something that would shock and anger Lucy, but Grady knew that was precisely what was happening. Lucy didn’t matter to Steele. She didn’t even register on his radar when she wasn’t in his direct sight. She wasn’t ever getting in there.

“I’ll get rid of her. If she annoys you, that’s good enough for me.”

That was part of the reason he loved the big bastard.

Because he always had his back. No matter what.

“I can deal with Lucy.” Because Steele might be the big man, but Grady was still a man.

“Right, so you need some help and you don’t want Lucy. Still doesn’t explain why want to hire her.”

Didn’t he see it? Grady thought he would.

“You really don’t know why?”

Steele’s gaze narrowed. “I know what I wanted from her and now that you’ve hired her, I won’t be able to get that.”

Because Steele had a policy against fucking employees.

“She’s not a one-night stand kind of girl,” Grady warned.

“I wasn’t thinking of just one night.”

“Fine. She’s not a weekend type of girl either.”

“You barely know her.”

“I know that she had scuffed shoes that were a size too small for her.”

Steele frowned.

“And that her coat was threadbare.”


“She didn’t drive here. And she wasn’t waiting around for an Uber. She was walking down the street. With no hat, scarf, or gloves, and in a threadbare coat.”
