Page 59 of Daddies' Captive

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“What’s that?” Steele asked.

“Baked Alaska.”

“Baked Alaska?”

“Uh-huh, food starting with B is always good.” Her eyes were twinkling with laughter.

“So what other B foods do you like?” Grady asked.

Steele eyed him. He’d never seen the other man this interested in a woman. Hell, in anyone else. Grady didn’t really like people.

Damon wasn’t a fan either. People could be dicks.

“Burgers. Bread. Buns. Bratwurst. Do I need to go on? Ooh, bon-bons, berries, butter, baklava, banana bread. That’s a double B. Yum. Oh, and we can’t forget bagels.”

Steele shook his head. “You can’t eat Baked Alaska for dinner.”

“Why not? It’s the best thing on this menu. Whoever owns this place might want to revisit their options.”

He gaped at her.

“What is it?” she asked. “Did I say something wrong?”

“Steele owns this restaurant,” Grady told her gently.

Her mouth opened. Then closed. Then she winced. “Sorry, sometimes I need to think more before I speak. I’ll do better. Really. I’m really sorry.”

Fuck. Steele didn’t like that. The way she kept apologizing, as though she was scared.

Of him.

She was tugging on her earrings. They were little zebras today.

Fuck, he needed to say something to put her at ease. “You like kale?”

“Umm.” She eyed him as though she was worried about insulting him. “I, uh . . .”

“Steele makes these kale chips that are out of this world delicious,” Grady explained. “Better than potato chips. I can’t get enough of them. Although he hasn’t made them in a long time.”

She wrinkled her nose, her shoulders relaxing. Back to being adorable. “I really don’t think kale chips can possibly be more delicious than potato chips. That’s impossible.”

“You’ll change your mind when you try my kale chips,” he told her.

She gave him a startled look, probably wondering when she’d ever have the opportunity to try his kale chips. But she would try them. And like them.

“Do you think Lee is coming back?” she asked, peering over at the door.

“Who?” he asked, confused.

“Um, Lee. The waiter.”

“Maybe you should get your memory checked, as well as your eyes,” Grady joked.

Something Grady rarely did. Effie gave Grady a startled look before her eyes twinkled.

“Here comes Lee,” Grady murmured.

“What are you really going to have for dinner, Miss Effie?” Steele asked, aware of Grady’s warning look but not caring.
