Page 65 of Daddies' Captive

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It wasn’t until later, when she lifted the lid on the shoe box to look at her new confetti shoes, that she found them.

A pair of super warm gloves with red leather on the outside and sheepskin inside.

She had no idea how or when they’d managed to buy them. But they fit perfectly and they were so warm.

Definitely not your typical bosses.

* * *

“What’s going on?”Grady asked as he joined Steele in the car.

The other man scowled. “Fucking Wolfe wants a meet.”

“Wolfe? Rykers’ Wolfe?” he repeated in surprise as the car pulled away from Effie’s apartment.

For some reason, Grady felt a strange wrenching. As though he shouldn’t be leaving her.

As if he should be holding her tight and never letting go.

Which was ridiculous. And stupid.

He needed to take a step back from this girl and get some perspective.

And so did Steele.

“Why would Wolfe think you’d want to meet with him?” Grady asked.

Wolfe was the leader of a gang called the Rykers. They were small-time assholes with inflated egos. Petty, dumb, and dicks.

They’d been causing problems at Pinkies a while back, coming in and hassling the girls. The bouncers had thrown them out, of course. The following night, more of them tried to get in.

They’d been thrown out. And they hadn’t appreciated that even though they’d been in the fucking wrong.

They’d vandalized the building after hours, driven by on their bikes to intimidate their customers and girls. They’d started selling heavy drugs, having attached themselves to this dickhead called Edmund James. But now Eddy was dead, and Steele had his guys coming down on their gang.


“He’s bleeding men and money,” Steele said gruffly. “We’ve all but destroyed the Rykers and he knows that the bullshit he let his men pull was over the line.”

“So you think he wants to suck up to you? Apologize?”

Steele snorted. “He can get down on his knees and offer to suck me off . . . still not happening.”

Grady drew in a breath. Because the idea of another man sucking Steele off filled him with rage. He didn’t think Steele had ever been with another man. Grady had experimented a few times. He’d wondered if his disinterest in being with a woman without Steele was because he wanted to be with men.

But nope, he hadn’t been any more interested in those men.

Seemed he just wanted a person. And that person was Steele.

You’re interested in Effie.

“The Rykers are dying and he knows it. Fucker can’t come begging to me now to help him.”

“Let me know if you need anything.”

Steele nodded.

“You need to ease back with Effie,” Grady warned.
