Page 7 of Daddies' Captive

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All right. She was starting to like him more.

“And he hired additional bouncers. One that stands by the door to our dressing room and one out by the stage to make sure no one touches us. Some people think that being a stripper means you’re all for being groped or that you’re selling yourself in other ways. Not the case. I got a man back in my bed waiting for me, and he doesn’t want anyone else touching what belongs to him.”

“He’s all right with you doing this?”

Chardonnay raised her eyebrows. “I just paid off our condo, and I’m saving to take us on a cruise around the Caribbean. Yep, he’s fine with this. Show me what you got under the jacket.”

Nerves filled her.

Stupid. She was about to dance in this outfit in front of a bunch of people she did not know. And she was going to have to show more than a little bit of skin.

Which was terrifying.

Because while she thought her boobs were nice. They were also big. And they had stretch marks.

“This was a bad idea. I can’t do this.”

“Show me,” Chardonnay said in a surprisingly kind voice.

Taking a deep breath, she opened her jacket and let it fall off.

It was far warmer there than outside, but she still felt a bit chilled.

“This outfit is . . . interesting. Where did you find it?”

“Ahh, I made it.”

“It’s bright.”

“I like bright colors. Is it too much? Should I have toned it down?”

“Hey, it’s different. And different isn’t always bad.”

Not in her experience.

Nerves filled her. “This was a terrible idea.”

“What? No!” Chardonnay cupped her face. “Seriously? Babe, you have got it going on. And these curves? The patrons here are going to love you. If Steele was here, he would cream his pants.”

Jesus. What a thought.

“You are just his type.”

Effie wasn’t sure she wanted to be Steele’s type.

“I’ve got stretch marks,” she blurted out.

“So? Me too. Don’t worry. Ain’t no one going to be focused on a few stretch marks when you have these girls out.”


There was a change in the music.

“That’s your cue, babe. Good luck.”

Fuck. Luck was something that had never been on her side. In fact, she’d always been seriously unlucky.

But maybe things were changing. Effie set her bag down by her jacket and took a deep breath.
