Page 76 of Daddies' Captive

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Steele was half-listening as Effie answered her phone. He picked up the container of cake and opened the lid before throwing it in the bin. It landed with a heavy clunk.

That cake should be illegal.

“What? Yes! There must be a mistake. Is he all right? Yes . . . yes . . . all right, I’ll be there soon.”

He raised his gaze to her as she put her phone down. Then she suddenly stood, and her face grew pale as she swayed.

“Effie!” He jumped around the desk to grab her before she could fall over. “What’s wrong?”

“Oh, nothing . . . nothing. I’m just . . . light-headed. Happens sometimes.”

It happened sometimes? It shouldn’t be happening anytime.

“I gots to go.”

He narrowed his gaze. Did she mean to talk like that? Or was that her Little slipping through? Either way, he didn’t like that she’d just looked like she was going to faint.

He liked even less that it ‘happened sometimes’.

“Where do you have to go? Brooks’ school?”

“Yes! Yes, I gots to go. I . . . I . . . I need to go. Where’s my bag?”

Steele looked around and saw the bright pink monstrosity sitting by the desk. He picked it up and took hold of her hand. He didn’t trust her to walk on her own while she was feeling dizzy.

And let’s face it, he liked holding her hand. He liked that she was smaller than him, yet curvy and soft. He knew she’d feel good against him.


Fucking Grady. He just had to go and hire her.

“Wait! Wait!”

She tugged at his hand, looking up at him anxiously. “Where’s my phone? I need my phone.”

“Baby,” he said, trying to hold back his amusement. He didn’t want her to think that he was laughing at her. She was obviously rattled and he wasn’t sure what was going on. But if something had happened to her kid, then it wasn’t a laughing matter.

“What? I need my phone, Steele!” she cried.

“Look at your hand.”

“I don’t have time.”

“Look at your hand,” he said in a sterner voice. Effie needed to learn to listen and obey.

Someone should teach her that.

He really wanted that someone to be him. And Grady.

Together, they’d take care of her.

She glanced down at her hand with a huff.

So much attitude. That suited him. It gave him a reason to punish her. Nothing too harsh. However, a few pops on the bottom never harmed anyone. If it kept her safe he was more than prepared to spank her backside. Or have her write lines while sitting with a plug up her bottom.

It was strange, though. He hadn’t been a Daddy Dom in a long time. Hadn’t intended to be again. But Effie brought out all of his Daddy instincts. Part of it was probably all those cute earrings she wore. And the confetti shoes that she hadn’t taken off.
