Page 83 of Daddies' Captive

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Baron nodded. “Sorry, Brooks’ Mom. That was rude of me. Although they are assholes.”

She didn’t know what to say, considering the principal had just scolded Baron for swearing and he’d basically told him to shove his opinion.

“Um, well, that’s all right.” She agreed with him—they were assholes. But she guessed that she probably shouldn’t call them assholes.

“So you’ve got the girl that these boys were harassing telling a different story than those boys,” Steele said. “That changes things.”

“I don’t believe it does,” Mr. Cleary said, giving Steele a nervous look. “It’s still three against two.”

“Oh, in case you’re wondering why Donny here is sticking his feet in when he’s clearly so scared of you he’s about to piss himself, again sorry Brooks’ Mom, it’s because the dads of those three boys line his pockets,” Baron told them all, as he leaned back against the wall.

“That is not true!” Mr. Cleary’s face was growing a rather alarming shade of purple.

“It is,” Royal said. “What’s more, we have proof. Oh, and we also have proof that Stella and Brooks’ are telling the truth.”

“How do you have that?” Mr. Cleary asked. “Were you there?”

“Nope,” Baron said. “But my brother is great at surveillance and we have camera footage.”

“You put cameras in my school?” Mr. Cleary gaped at them. “Tell me why I shouldn’t expel the two of you!”

“Well, you might want to rethink that when we tell you that we’ve got a camera in here,” Royal stated.

The principal suddenly went pale and sat back in his seat.

“I’m guessing you have something more on this idiot than him taking money from some of the parents?” Steele asked.

What was happening here? She didn’t even know. She looked to Brooks, who was staring at Royal and Baron like they were gods.

“I . . . I . . .”

“Here’s what is going to happen,” Steele said calmly. “You’re not going to expel Brooks. You are going to expel those three boys.”

“I . . . I can’t! I took their money.”

Steele shrugged. “Far as I can see, that’s your problem. Before these two came in, I was going to get nasty. You cause any problems for Brooks or Royal and Baron, you answer to me. And I can guarantee I am far scarier than those boys’ dads. You understand me?”

His voice was cold and dark. Effie shivered, glad he was on her side. Because if that voice was ever aimed at her, she was pretty certain that she’d pee herself.

In fact, she thought that the principal might well have done that.

“I said, do you understand?” Steele barked.

Mr. Cleary jumped, then nodded frantically.

“Good. Let’s go.”

The three boys immediately headed out the door, but she stood there, glaring at the principal. She couldn’t believe that he was taking bribes. That he was going to kick her kid out for doing the right thing simply because she didn’t have the money to line this asshole’s pockets.

That was so . . . unfair.

“Effie?” Steele asked gently. She was kind of shocked that a man that big could talk that quietly.

“You . . . you’re a sad excuse for a human being,” she finally said. She was so angry and upset that she could barely focus on the words running through her head.

“Come on, Effie. Time to leave. You don’t want to be breathing the same air as him.”

No, she didn’t.
