Page 93 of Daddies' Captive

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Before she could question him, he left.

That was odd. What did he mean he didn’t like that? Her being polite?

Sheesh. She felt like she couldn’t win. When he returned, she couldn’t see what he’d bought. And she bit her lip against asking him.

They took off again, approaching Pinkies five minutes later.

“Brace yourself,” he told her.

“For what?”


She gulped. “Do you think he’s going to fire me?”

“Fire you? What? Why?”

“Because I left my job without telling him. Technically, he could fire me.”

“He’s not going to fire you. Although he just might make good on that spanking.”

She gaped at him. “Grady wouldn’t do that.”

He grinned. “Baby, don’t you know that it’s the quiet ones you have to look out for?”

The car came to a stop and her door was yanked open. She turned, letting out a startled squeal as she saw Grady glaring down at her. Reaching in, he undid her seatbelt.


She attempted to climb out, accidentally stepping on his foot as she moved. But he didn’t step back, so she decided not to say sorry.

When he took her hand and marched her into the building, she started to rethink that no apologizing stance.

Maybe if she got in quick, she could dissipate some of his anger. It wasn’t that he looked mad. No, he looked like Grady. Just a more intense, somewhat scarier Grady. He didn’t yell. Didn’t hold on to her harshly.

But he definitely had a hold of her. They headed to their office, where he shut the door behind them.

Only for Steele to open it and walk in. “Forget about me?”

Grady locked the door.

And then he started pacing. This felt alarming. Effie didn’t think Grady was a pacer. He always kept his energy locked down, unlike Steele whose energy could fill a room.

Steele was the bull. You could see him coming, but you would be hard-pressed to get out of his way. Pure fire and fury.

But Grady . . . he was the dark shadow. The hidden assassin. You would never see him coming. Not until it was too late.

So this pacing confused the heck out of her.

She thought Steele might be interested in her . . . but wasn’t going to do anything about it because she worked for him.

Grady . . . well, she didn’t think he was interested in her like that.

“Um, are you all right?” she asked.

“Is your phone broken?” he asked.
