Page 97 of Daddies' Captive

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“He’s all right, isn’t he?” Grady now looked alarmed.

“Came to a girl’s aid when she was being picked on by three guys. Those guys jumped him. Principal tried to expel him because he’s a scholarship student and those boys said he started it. Those boys’ parents are also lining the principal’s pockets.”

Something changed in Grady then. The heat in his rage disappeared and he became chillingly cold. This Grady . . . he was absolutely terrifying.

“What?” he whispered.

Deadly. Furious. He would terrify her if he wasn’t mad on behalf of her kid.

“I’m dealing with it,” Steele said. He didn’t even seem to notice that Grady had turned into an ice-cold warrior king.

“You need me to make him disappear?”

“I don’t think we’ll have to. Ink’s kids go to that school.”

“Ink’s kids?”

“Yeah, remember that his woman has those twin stepsons?”

“I remember. They’d be what? Seventeen? Eighteen?”

“Think so,” Steele replied. “Anyway, they must have cameras everywhere in that school. They handed the principal his ass and I think they plan to shove him out the door. Hard.”


Steele gave him a look. “I think Ink will have something to say if you recruit those kids.”

“They sound like the sort of kids I’d like to know.”

“So, am I good to go back to work now?” she asked.

When would she learn? If no one was paying her attention, she needed to keep quiet. But nooo, she had to go open her big mouth.

Both men were now staring at her.

“From now on, if you need to leave this building for any reason, you text me. Understand?” Grady said in a low, commanding voice.

“Ah, but what if I’m on a break?”

“You text me when you’re leaving and when you get back. And where you’re going.”

“Um, just saying. I don’t think you can do that.” She knew he couldn’t do that. Because it was nuts! She wasn’t a prisoner.

“Look, I wasn’t in any danger. And I’m really sorry I didn’t tell you, but I’ll make up the time. And I’m sure nothing like this will ever happen again.”

“I’m not,” Grady countered.

“Trouble magnet,” Steele muttered.

There was a knock on the door before she could answer.

“Yes?” Grady snapped.

“Oh, um, I wanted to talk to Effie?” That sounded like Ana, one of the dancers.

“What do you want with her?” Grady asked, looking disgruntled.

“Oh, uh, I’ll just come back later when she’s in.”
