Page 11 of The Keeper

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Miley turned back on him. “You set me up, you sonofabitch. This is your way of getting even with me for London. For all I know there is no fucking threat, and you just want to make your buddy feel better because he didn’t get his way.”

“As I recall, I had my way quite spectacularly with you—not as many times as I might have liked, though, and you did deny me providing you with aftercare.”

“You Doms and your fucking ‘aftercare.’ If I had achieved subspace or if you’d even rocked my world, I might have needed it. You did neither…”

“I seem to recall you orgasmed three times.”

“Physicality, asshole. I’m fairly responsive to sexual stimulation. It doesn’t take much for me to get off.” That wasn’t true, but there was no way for him to know that.

“I did no such thing, Miley,” said Fitz, trying to intervene. He could intervene all he liked; right now, she wanted to punch both of them. “I’m having trouble understanding your objection. Even if all he did was give you some orgasms…”

“It was more than that,” said Damon, taking offense.

“No, it wasn’t,” said Miley angrily to Damon before turning back to Fitz. “This is you sticking your nose into my private life, and I’m not having it. You should count yourself lucky that I don’t break your fucking nose.”

“Miley,” growled Damon.

“I can break yours too, asshole. There is nothing, I repeat, nothing, between us—never was, never will be. So shut up and sit down.”

Fitz got to his feet. “Enough, Stuart. I don’t know what the hell went on between the two of you in London, and at this point I don’t much care.” He turned to Damon. “I warned you about Miley and aftercare. She doesn’t like it, and frankly I’ve never seen her in a headspace I thought she needed it.” Turning back to Miley, he continued, “As for you, you might be a little kinder to Doms who only want to take care of you.” He held up his hand to stop her from arguing. “But whatever it is you think I’m trying to do, I’m not. Damon is a friend of mine. I’m as close to him as I am to any of you at Cerberus. He’s got some crazy psycho bitch who tried to set his club on fire and who is escalating. She’s the daughter of Franco Acosta. We need to get her to come after him so we can take her down and get her to the feds. Damon owns The Carriage House. The best choice for a close-cover operative is a woman who understands D/s. Can you think of anyone better for the job?” Fitz stepped into her space. “Can you?”

Damon stepped between them. “That’s enough, Fitz. If Miley doesn’t think she can handle it…”

Miley grabbed him by the shoulder and spun him around. “Don’t try that protective Dom bullshit with me. Much as I hate to admit it, Fitz is right. If we’re taking this case, which it appears we are, I’m the best person to supply close cover. But you need to understand, Knox, while I will play the part of your sub, it is a part of my cover only.”

“If anyone, including Frannie, is going to believe we are a couple, there will be social engagements we need to attend, including spending evenings at my club. Nobody will believe you’re with me if you aren’t my submissive, and no one will believe you’re my sub if you aren’t at the club for me to show off. So, if you want this to work, you will behave as my submissive, and that includes accepting whatever it is I think you need.”

They stood staring at each other—the air practically vibrating with the anger arcing between them.

“What’s the matter, big guy? Did it bother you that I didn’t need you? That I could take care of myself?”

“Very much, and far more than it probably should have. For the record, sub, right now it’s not aftercare I think you’re needing, but you could use a healthy dose of discipline.”

“I’m going to leave you two to sort out your differences. Stuart, I’ll expect you to send weekly reports on a secure channel. Knox, you may be the Dom in this little melodrama, but Miley’s in charge of keeping you alive.”

“If he lays a hand on me, I’ll break his fucking arm,” snarled Miley, putting some space between her and Knox. There was something about being that close to Knox that made it difficult to breathe properly, or for that matter, to keep arousal from flaring.

“As I said, within the parameters that I gave you, the two of you need to work this out between you. Frankly I don’t give a shit. When this is all over, I want that psycho bitch behind bars, in witness protection, or dead, and I don’t much care which. Am I clear, Miley?”

“Yes, Boss.”

Fitz chuckled. “She calls me that when she’s pissed and knows I’m right. And for the record, she never calls me ‘sir.’ Try not to kill each other.”

Fitz didn’t wait for either of them to respond further, just opened the door, walked through, and closed it behind him. The two goons were starting to come around.

“We have things we need to discuss. Either kick them out or I’ll put them down again.”

Damon nodded, walked to the door, and opened it. “Georgina, can you get a couple of our security guys up here to help these two out? We might want to take them to urgent care or the emergency room and get them checked out.”

“Right away, Mr. Knox,” said the disembodied voice of his executive assistant.

Within moments two other men entered Damon’s office as Miley wandered over to stare out the window at the panoramic view. Knox Industries might not own the entire building that overlooked the city and the harbor, but his company took up more than half of the fifteen stories and was the single largest leaseholder. The security guards exited Knox’s office, and Miley heard him close the door.

“Miley, we need to work things out between us if this has a prayer of working. Why don’t you come and sit down, and I’ll have Georgina bring us something to eat.”

She turned around, taking a deep breath and letting it out, hoping that might calm the butterflies in her stomach—no such luck. She leaned against the credenza. “I’m fine where I am, and I’m not hungry. You do whatever you need to do. I will try to keep my interference and insertion into your life as inconsequential as possible, but I meant what I said. I can play my part, but where your safety is concerned, I’m in charge. I won’t ask permission, and I won’t apologize. I will neutralize any threat, and I will do whatever is necessary to see that you come out on the other side alive and relatively intact.”

“There is no playing the part of my sub. As Fitz said, in matters of D/s, I’m the Dom, and you’re the sub. If you can’t do that, then I’ll tell Fitz we are completely incompatible, and he needs to figure out a different way.”
