Page 21 of The Keeper

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Also in the closet was a gorgeous set of gold-colored strappy sandals with rhinestone detailing. No doubt about it, they would be noticed. She got into the dress and shoes as best she could. She would need Damon’s help with hooking the garment, including the foundation, together.

Miley was looking down at the neckline to make sure she wasn’t falling out as she exited the closet. “Can you help me with this? I can’t…” She stopped mid-sentence as she looked up to see Damon staring at her, lust flaring in his eyes.

He quickly recovered and said, “You look stunning, and I would be happy to help you get into it, but I’ll be far happier when I can get you out of it.”

Unsure of how to respond, she said nothing and presented her back to him. She had to bite her lip to keep from moaning as his knuckles touched her back as he hooked the garment together. As he had earlier, he leaned forward and kissed the side of her neck. This time she couldn’t quite repress the shiver that went through her. Every nerve ending was on high alert, and she hoped he couldn’t tell how incredibly aroused she was.

“Thank you,” she said, trying to step away.

Damon wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her back into his body so she could feel the size and strength of his erection. “Do you have any idea how much I want you?” he murmured, his lips whispering against her skin.

“I thought you said we needed to do this to be seen?”

“We do, unfortunately. But for the record, I’d like nothing more than to strip you naked and take you to bed.”

They headed out to the waiting SUV. Seth whistled at her, and she flipped him the finger, which resulted in Damon smacking her ass. Apparently non-verbal foul language was not allowed, either. Jimmy followed them out. He and Brock took the front seat while Damon and Miley were encased in luxury in the back. There was far more leg room and seating in the adapted SUV, not to mention a full bar.

As they pulled up to the event center, Miley could see the press and crowds trying to catch a glimpse of Charleston’s elite who were attending the gala event. She’d worried that her new collar would stand out but seeing the other women getting out of their vehicles and ascending the red-carpeted stairs, she realized her jewelry was downright demure by comparison.

Miley was adjusting her comm device in her ear, allowing her hair to cover it as Brock pulled up and Jimmy hopped out, opening the door for Damon who exited and offered her his hand to help her get out of the vehicle. She had to admit, it was easier to negotiate with his assistance.

“Nod if you can hear me,” said Brock over the comm unit. She did so. “Seth’s hacked into their cameras inside and out, and Jimmy will follow you inside. I’ll be wandering around inside and out.”

She nodded again as she took Damon’s arm and started up the steps. They entered the large ornate gallery, and she was dazzled by exhibitions of paintings, sculptures, and other artwork, but even more impressive were the people. Damon seemed to be at ease and within his element as he escorted her through the crowd, stopping to talk to people and introducing her. Miley hoped there wouldn’t be a test at the end of the evening as she was far more intent on watching for threats.

What the fuck had he been thinking? They were far too exposed, even if Seth was monitoring things electronically and Jimmy and Brock were with them. Frannie Acosta was a nutcase, and not only could Damon get hurt, but others could be hurt, as well. It bothered her that she was far more concerned with Damon’s safety than anyone else’s. She tried telling herself it was because he was the protectee, but she knew it wasn’t true.

Damon led her over to the bar. “Do you have Sungazer on tap?” The barman nodded. “Good. Draw me one. Sweetheart?”

It took Miley a minute to realize he’d spoken to her. “I’d just like a sparkling water with a twist of lime.”

Drinks in hand, they began to wander through the items up for auction. It seemed to be a group of unrelated, random things. Damon was enjoying himself while she was on high alert. The gallery with the auction items was comprised of windows on two sides. As Charleston didn’t have any true skyscrapers, it would be far too easy for someone to take a shot at him. It was unlikely that Frannie would be lurking somewhere with a gun, but stranger things had happened.

“Good lord, Damon” said a portly man with a balding head and smiling eyes, “this bracelet looks like it was made to go with your girl’s necklace.”

Damon’s attention was caught immediately by the displayed auction item. Miley glanced at the pretty bauble and tried not to blanche at the suggested opening bid.

“You know what, Ned? I think you’re right. I’m going to have to get a paddle and bid on it. I think it would be lovely on you, Miley, don’t you?”

“I think it’s very pretty, but the choker you gave me means more to me.”

Damon leaned over and brushed her cheek with his lips. “I’m glad you feel that way. Ned, let me introduce you to the most extraordinary woman who has decided to grace my life. Ned, Miley; Miley, Ned.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miley. My wife and I were sure happy to see Damon part company with Franco Acosta’s daughter.”

Damon chuckled. “I know. I should have listened to you and everybody else. Ned is the president and owner of one of the last family-owned banks in Charleston. He and his lovely wife are members of the club.”

“I don’t believe we’ve seen Miss Miley at the Carriage House.”

“I have yet to take her. I didn’t want to show her off until she’d agreed to wear my collar. She is, however, a member of both Club Southside up in Chicago and Baker Street in London.”

“I would love to visit both. I understand both attract the absolute crème de la crème.”

Miley smiled, still scanning the room. “Yes, a great deal goes into the selection process. If you’re ever going to London or Chicago, I can ask that those in charge take a look at giving you a visitor’s pass.”

“Oh, that would make my wife so happy. Well, I’d best go find my wife to see what she’s found that she thinks we can’t live without.” Ned chuckled happily and left them.

“He seems nice.”
