Page 115 of A Slice For My Demon

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Percy remained as he was, relaxed and smiling, though he turned his head to eye Kevin. “You could… if you really wanted to. Not trapped, of course, but you could… stay.”

Kevin draped an arm over Percy as he cuddled close, and his heart skipped a beat. “Stay? You mean the night or… something a little longer? Like, I dunno, forever?”

Percy licked his lips, and he actually looked nervous. He rolled over to press himself against Kevin’s chest. “Forever would be a good start, seeing as how we’re damned for eternity anyway.”

“Forever, huh?” Kevin hugged Percy, his fingers trailing down his spine. He couldn’t even try to stop the idiotic smile he knew he had, and he was too happy to even care. “Sounds good to me.”

“Besides, let’s be real.” Percy smirked. “We’re never sleeping over at your place. But I am willing to let you turn one of the spare rooms here into a game room.”

“My place isn’t good enough for you, huh?” Kevin laughed.

“No, it’s not. My lush body demands a higher thread count than you can offer, thank you.”

“Really? You totally are a princess.” Kevin cackled. “We fucked in my truck and on a buffet counter, but you draw the line at shoddy sheets?”

“Primal fucking can happen anywhere, but I need at least a fifteen hundred thread count caressing my naked flesh if I want to rest properly. Sleep not being required, of course, since I’m a demon, but I refuse to settle for anything less than absolute luxury for my beauty rest.”

“Well, I’m not really thrilled with the new potential commute to work, but…” Kevin gazed at Percy, and he swore his heart completely stopped for a moment. “Throw in a pizza oven for the backyard, and I guess I can live here. With the game room, of course.”

Percy grinned. “I have a feeling you’ll get over it, peaches.”

“I’ll get over it.” Kevin laughed. “Don’t worry.”

“I know you will. I love you, peaches.”

“And I love you, princess. Always.”


As Kevin and Percy approached their one month anniversary, Kevin was the happiest he’d ever been. After all, this was already by far his longest relationship, and he’d never been so in love. No previous partner could compare to Percival Pearl, and everything they did together, from their bedroom acrobatics to the simple joy of snuggling on the couch with Cher to watch TV, was perfect. Yes, Percy was a demon, but that hardly mattered.

Especially since Kevin was one too.

Percy took Kevin’s new baby demon training very seriously, and he did his best to make sure Kevin understood how to use his many abilities. The magical woo wooing of teleportation remained elusive, but Kevin could summon and dismiss small items, shift into his demon form at will, and he’d almost perfected intimate preparation. While the last one wouldn’t help them fight Joe’s family of hunters if they ever showed up, Kevin had considered it a priority.

There hadn’t been any sign of the hunters, and the local authorities investigated Joe’s disappearance as a missing persons case until his body was discovered washed up on a beach in Oregon with his cousin, Sebastian Rossi. Though both bodies were badly decomposed from being in the water, it was determined that they’d killed each other dueling with swords.

Maybe it was because he was a demon now, but Kevin didn’t mourn Joe’s loss much. It could also be that Joe had betrayed him and tried to kill his boyfriend and his dog, so he didn’t miss him. He thought perhaps he sometimes missed the friendship they’d had, but he knew now it had been a lie.

He didn’t think about the past very often now. He had such a wonderful present to enjoy and a bright future ahead of him. Sometimes he still wondered about his old life, and the angel he was, but he never lingered on it for long. He was all but sure now Uncle Al had been just another figment of his broken mind, and he thought it was more important to focus his attention on what was real.

His restaurant, his friends, his dog, and of course, his loving boyfriend.

Percy was so loving of a boyfriend, in fact, that he had actually volunteered to help out at the restaurant while Julie was gone on her two week cruise to the Bahamas. It had taken a little while to plan the perfect vacation, and Kevin had insisted on paying for it. She was leaving tomorrow and had popped by the restaurant while her husband finished up a few last minute errands for their trip.

When she saw Kevin trying and failing to teach Percy how to work the register, she’d decided to hang out for a bit to enjoy the free entertainment.

The training was not going very well.

Apparently, demons and electronics did not get along. As in, every time Percy touched the register, it beeped when it should have booped, booped when it needed to beep, and it wouldn’t stop spitting out horrendously long receipts for no reason at all.

Percy was on his third attempt to ring up a simple pizza order, and Kevin swore he could see Percy’s horns trying to peek through. He leaned against the counter, reaching out to pour the contents of a blender into Julie’s glass for her next margarita.

Julie had pulled a chair over to get a better view of Percy’s latest meltdown, and she had mentioned wanting a margarita earlier. It was little surprise that Percy just so happened to find all the ingredients, including a blender, to make said margaritas in Kevin’s old apartment.

Knowing damn well he’d never owned a blender in his life, Kevin was certain Percy had used magic. With the way their training was going so far, he was about to ask him to magic up some whiskey.

“No, wait, wait, wait,” Kevin protested as the register squawked at them. “Push the button for the item first. So, like a large pizza. Then you add the toppings.”
