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Kevin’s stomach dipped, and he wondered if he was getting in over his head.

Maybe he should use the safe word and just bail…

No, he could handle this. He wanted it. He needed that feeling again. He didn’t want to feel empty again, not after having the pleasure of being whole.

“I am going to take what I want from you now,” Percy said as he fastened the cuff around Kevin’s wrist. He walked around to secure Kevin’s other wrist. “And if you come before I do, well, we’ll just keep going.”

“You got it.” Kevin smiled, his cock twitching at his thigh. “I won’t come.”

Percy undressed as he moved to the foot of the bed, removing his suit piece by piece. He smiled at Kevin, and his voice was a low purr as he said, “Look at that. Aren’t you just so very pretty all trussed up for me?”

That sense of being hunted had returned, and Kevin’s cock continued to thicken. “If you say so.”

“Oh, I do say so.” Percy crawled up onto the bed, moving between Kevin’s legs. He slid his hands over Kevin’s thighs. “This may be part of your new job. Just to lie here and look pretty for me. Give me something nice to look at after I’ve had a hard day.”

Kevin pulled at the restraints to test their hold, and he realized he had no chance of breaking them. He took a deep breath, teasing, “I think I could do a lot better job cheerin’ you up if my hands were free.”

“While that may be true, I think I like you just like this.” Percy straddled Kevin’s hips, grinding down against his cock. “Mmm, yes. Just like this. Mine.”

Kevin groaned and spread his legs a bit. “Well, you do put up a convincing argument.”

“I am very convincing, peaches,” Percy said as he continued to move, rubbing his ass down the shaft of Kevin’s cock. “It’s what made me so good at my job.”

Kevin shuddered. He didn’t understand how Percy’s ass already felt so wet, and he swore if he tilted up at the right angle, he could slide right back inside of him. “You could probably convince me to do a few things.”

“I know I can.” Percy smirked.

“Mm, come on.” Kevin longed to reach out for Percy’s voluptuous hips, but the restraints caught his hands.

“No touching, sug,” Percy taunted as he greedily groped Kevin’s chest. “You’re just here for my enjoyment right now. I’ll let you out. Eventually.”

“I’m much more fun with my hands,” Kevin insisted, trying to buck up against Percy’s ass to gain more friction. His cock was fully hard now, and the slick pressure of Percy’s taint felt good, but it wasn’t nearly enough.

“That remains to be seen.” Percy smiled sweetly.

“Thought I showed you pretty well earlier.”

“Maybe that was a fluke.” Percy chuckled wickedly, finally moving his hips so the head of Kevin’s cock pressed against his hole. He shifted slightly, sinking down with a soft moan.

Kevin gasped, savoring that first rush of penetration as Percy’s tight body swallowed him up. Percy’s hole was open and hot, and he slipped in as smooth as velvet. The familiar squeeze was intoxicating, and Kevin pulled at the restraints again, groaning low in frustration. “I promise it wasn’t!”

“We’ll have to see if you can do it again.” Percy braced himself on Kevin’s chest, palming his pecs as he sat back on his dick. “Mm, there we go. That’s it.”

Kevin grunted and thrust up sharply, smirking when Percy gasped.

“Oh, that’s lovely.” Percy’s lashes fluttered. “More of that, please.”

Kevin braced his feet flat against the bed for more leverage, and he pumped his hips to fuck up into Percy. The heated slide was as amazing as it was before, even more so now because he could see Percy’s lustful smile and track every twitch of his body. “You like that, baby? Is that good?”

“Mm, very.” Percy suddenly adjusted his weight, pinning Kevin’s hips flat against the bed. He tucked his arms behind his head and rolled his hips, grinding down on Kevin’s cock like he was dying and getting his dick was the only cure. He circled his body, jerking back and forth, working himself from all angles as he used Kevin’s cock like a toy.

With his long hair falling around his face and his stomach flexing, Percy looked absolutely stunning taking everything he wanted. He dug his nails into Kevin’s skin, and Kevin didn’t even realize he’d drawn blood until Percy was licking it off his fingers.

“Holy fuck!” Kevin was so caught up in the moment that he barely felt it or cared.

Four perfect crescent shaped cuts were left in the wake of Percy’s nails, each one welling up a tiny bubble of blood. The very sight of it was somehow erotic, even as alarms went off in his head that Percy seemed to be enjoying drinking his blood a little too much. Maybe it was the sea of lust his brain was currently swimming in, but Kevin thought it was hot.

The way Percy was ravaging him made his cock ache, and seeing more of his blood on Percy’s tongue sent the most delightful shivers all over his body. There was a singular connection here, one he didn’t understand, but he was in awe of its strength. He met Percy’s bright gaze and lost time there as Percy rode his cock, and he groaned brokenly. “You feel so fuckin’ good… fuck!”
