Page 57 of Gerard

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Bernie sighed. “I believe you. You can make it up to me by helping us nail Burns.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

The sheriff arrived along with an ambulance and two other deputies. While the sheriff and his deputies scoured the area for the shooter, the emergency medical technicians loaded Billie Joe into the ambulance for transport to the nearest hospital.

The sheriff had one of his deputies follow the ambulance to ensure it made it to the hospital without incident. He’d stay with the Billie Joe until they could put their plan into place the next morning. Billie Joe’s capture would have spread through town by then. Burns would know where they’d taken his henchman.

“We didn’t find anyone out there,” the sheriff said. “We’ll send someone in the daylight to look for the casing. In the meantime, I’ll get things set up to bring Burns in.”

“It had to be Burns who shot Billie Joe,” Bernie said. “He wanted to shut him up.”

“But he shot him before he could finish the job of burning down your barn,” Gerard said.

Bernie snorted. “Serves him right.”

“I’d leave one of my deputies here for the remainder of the night, but I’m shorthanded. If you want, I can stay to make sure the shooter doesn’t come back while you sleep.”

Bernie shook her head. “Go home to bed. I’m up for the day. It’ll be daylight in an hour. I have to be at the farmer’s market before sunrise.”

The sheriff gave her a gentle smile. “I’m sorry all of this is happening to you. I’ll be sure to swing by for some fresh vegetables later in the morning.”

Once again, Gerard was touched by how the community looked out for Bernie and her farm.

“Thank you, sheriff,” she said.

After all the vehicles left the barnyard, Gerard wrapped an arm around Bernie and led her back to the house. “I’m going to make an omelet. You’re going to eat it, and then we’re going to drive to town and set up for the market.”

She leaned into him. “I’ll feel better when they bring Burns in. He could be out there now, ready to shoot again. I don’t know why he didn’t just shoot me instead of going to all the trouble of trying to ruin me first.”

“I’m glad he didn’t,” Gerard said. “I like to pay my debts, and I still owe you naked cooking.” He slapped her ass. “Go get dressed for a great day at the farmer’s market. Maybe we’ll get word from the sheriff before the day is over, and you can cash in on that raincheck.”

“I like the way you think,” Bernie said and disappeared into her bedroom.

Gerard was glad they’d caught Billie Joe and that he’d confessed who’d set him up to the trouble he’d caused. But something didn’t feel right. Not all the pieces fit. They were missing something.

Billie Joe hadn’t mentioned anything about the foot. And what about the ring they’d found in the pigpen?

Where did they fit in this scenario?

He pulled out his cell phone and started to call Remy. His hand paused over the number. It was too early. Why disturb the man’s sleep when there wasn’t much he could do anyway? He’d bring him up to speed at a more reasonable hour. He could touch base with the sheriff or Hank and Swede and find out if they’d heard anything about the DNA from the foot or the fingerprints they’d lifted from the car in the bayou and the barn’s doorhandle.

In the meantime, Gerard had an omelet to make.

Chapter 11

With Gerard’s help, Bernie had the old produce truck set up, extra tables laid out and a couple of chairs sitting nearby in case business was slow.

The morning flew by. Neither Bernie nor Gerard sat down once.

It was as if the entire town of Bayou Mambaloa had turned out for the farmer’s market that day, and everyone made it a point to stop at her truck and buy some of her produce.

Word had circulated that Billie Joe Weems had been captured trying to burn down Bernie’s barn. Every customer had to express their concern and delight that they’d caught him, and it was all over. Things could get back to normal at Bellamy Acres.

Bernie smiled and thanked her neighbors and friends, careful not to say anything about Burns, all the while waiting for her cell phone to ring with the news that Burns had shown up at the hospital to silence Billie Joe.

Halfway through the morning, she was shocked when she caught sight of Robert Burns strolling through the market, smiling and laughing as if nothing was wrong.

“Do you see who I see?” Bernie whispered, anger simmering beneath the surface.
