Page 59 of Gerard

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Bernie smiled at her friend. “LaShawnda, I’m sorry, we’re just about sold out of everything.”

She shook her head. “I just heard about what happened at your place last night and that Robert Burns was behind it.” Her full, luscious lips pursed in a pretty pout. “I’m glad they caught him. He’s been impossible to work with since Grand Bijou started buying up property in the area. He was determined to get the bonus they offered to anyone who got you to sell Bellamy Acres to them—that, on top of the commission. I knew he was greedy, but he went too far.”

Bernie frowned. “They offered a bonus to get me to sell?”

LaShawnda touched Bernie’s arm. “I just wanted you to know I gave them a hard pass. You can’t put a price on our friendship. Not even for one hundred thousand dollars.” She leaned close and air-kissed Bernie’s cheek. “Anyway, I’m glad you’re okay, and Bellamy Acres is still yours. Bayou Mambaloa wouldn’t be the same without your sweet face here.” She turned to Gerard. “Mmm. Aren’t you delicious? He’s a keeper, Bernie. Gotta go, love. I’ll see you later.”

As quickly as she’s swooped in, LaShawnda drifted away, making walking in three-inch stilettos on gravel look like art.

Gerard chuckled. “Who was that?”

“LaShawnda Jones. She’s a real estate agent.” Bernie’s gaze followed her friend, a frown forming on her forehead. “Did you hear that? Grand Bijou offered a hundred-thousand-dollar bonus to whoever could get me to sell.”

“No wonder he was so determined.” Gerard folded a table, slid it into the back of the truck then piled the chairs on top. “I think we’re ready. Do you want me to drive?”

“Yes, please,” she said. “I’m getting used to having someone around to help. It’ll be a tough transition back to the real world when you move on to your next assignment.”

“Trying to get rid of me already?” he said.

“No way. You owe me. I plan on collecting on that raincheck.” She leaned back in her seat, a smile spreading across her face. “It’ll be nice to be home surrounded by peace and quiet. I love my town and the people in it, but after smiling and greeting folks all day long, I look forward to being alone with you.”

As Gerard pulled into the driveway leading up to the farmhouse, he whistled. “I don’t think we’re going to get the peace and quiet you expected.”

Bernie frowned. “What’s going on?”

Cars lined the driveway and were parked in the field close to the house. Music blared, and the roar of laughter filtered through the air into the cab of the old truck.

“Someone’s having a party,” Gerard said.

“At my house? Do you think we’re invited?” She recognized some of the vehicles parked in the grass. “Is the entire town here?” Based on the size of the crowd, collecting on that raincheck was again on hold.

Gerard parked as close as he could get to the house. He hurried around to open Bernie’s door and helped her down to the grass. “Nothing like being late to your own party,” he quipped.

“A party I knew nothing about,” she grumbled, disappointed that she wouldn’t have Gerard all to herself.

As they approached the throng of people laughing and dancing in the yard, someone shouted, “She’s here!”

Everyone turned as one, and a cheer went up that probably reached into the next parish.

Shelby, Felina, Mimi and Gisele converged on her, grinning.

“Were you surprised?” Felina asked.

“Most definitely.” Bernie frowned. “But it’s not my birthday.”

“It’s not a birthday party,” Shelby said.

Gisele flung her arm wide. “It’s a Save Bellamy Acres Fund-raising Carnival.”

“Entry to the party is by a donation of your choice,” Felina said.

Mimi held out a bushel basket full of money and checks. “The entire town turned out to make sure you don’t have to sell Bellamy Acres. We love this place, and most of all, we love you.”

“But they bought all my produce today. That was already generous of them.”

Mimi laughed. “We bought all your produce so we could have a huge crawfish boil and all the sides. We’ve been here all day setting up and cooking while you were at the farmer’s market.”

Bernie shook her head, smiling at the love and generosity of her friends and community. “How did I not know this?”
