Page 63 of Gerard

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Bernie laughed. “All you had to do was look at them, and they ran off.” She shook her head. “I think they might know something about the foot we found.”

“Oh, now, I definitely need to flex my bodyguard muscles and get them to talk.”

She told him what the two had said. It made no more sense when she repeated it than when she’d heard it the first time.

“We should let the sheriff know to question the pair,” Gerard said.

“I think he left a little while ago,” Bernie said. “We can let him know in the morning. I doubt Clayton and Willy will leave town suddenly.”

The band switched from a lively tune to a slow, sultry one.

Bernie leaned into Gerard. “I don’t suppose you like to dance?”

“If, by dance, you mean standing in one place and swaying, then yes, I like to dance. Would you like to dance with me?” he asked.

“I thought you’d never ask.” Bernie turned into his arms, pressing her body against his, wishing all the people would go away so that she could be alone with Gerard on what might be their last night together.

The thought depressed her.

When the song ended, Bernie excused herself, claiming she needed a trip to the bathroom.

She entered her house and found her way to the bathroom, the quietest place around. When she shut the door, she could barely hear the music.

For a long moment, she stood absorbing the silence. She’d needed some alone time. As a farmer, she spent most of her days working outdoors, alone. Though she loved her neighbors and friends, being around people all day was exhausting.

She splashed water on her face and dried off, knowing she couldn’t hide there forever.

Taking a deep breath, she left the bathroom and her bedroom. As she passed the guest bedroom, she noticed the wooden box she’d left on the bed. She entered the room, gathered the loose photographs, placed them back in the box and closed the lid.

Her mother had treasured the ornate box and the items she’d saved inside, including the photo of their little family. Though she’d struggled to support Bernie by herself, her mother had never said a bad word about Bernie’s father.

When she turned toward the closet with the box in her hands, she tripped over something on the floor, lost her balance and crashed to the floor.

The box she’d been holding hit the wall, the bottom breaking loose from the sides. A single envelope skittered across the floor and came to rest near Bernie’s hand.

Bernie sat up and pulled the box across her lap. When she reached for the bottom piece, she realized it wasn’t broken but knocked loose. She slid it back into the box, and the panel blended perfectly; it was a secret compartment.

The envelope that had drifted out must have been secreted into the hidden compartment.

Bernie lifted the yellowed paper and read the handwriting on the front.

My Love

Intrigued, she opened the envelope and pulled out a single sheet of paper written in bold, masculine strokes.

My dearest Ali,

My past mistakes have caught up with me and threaten you and my sweet Bernie’s very existence. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to my girls. You are my everything.

Alas, a brief affair I had before I met you resulted in a son I knew nothing about until today. His mother, the daughter of a very dangerous man, is dying of cancer and demands that I raise her son within her family. When I told her I couldn’t, she threatened to have you and Bernie killed. Her family does not know about you two and won’t know as long as I stay with our son and raise him in her family.

The only way to keep you and Bernie safe is to do as she asks. It means leaving the two people I love the most forever. If I try to contact you, they will know. I thought of running away with you both, but I’m being watched all the time. These people are ruthless and wouldn’t hesitate to kill a woman and child. I can’t let that happen. I love you too much.

So, I’m leaving. You will not hear from me. I will not contact you. Know that you and Bernie will be forever in my heart.

With all my love,

