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“How was business?” he asked.

“It was not bad,” I said, nodding absentmindedly. There was some more light chatter, but I couldn’t stay with them for long. I had memories to revisit and process.

“Mom, call me when you’re ready to tackle your closet,” I told her and hurried up the stairs. When I got to my room, I threw myself onto my bed and closed my eyes. I thought of the orgasms that Caleb had wrung out of my body. I could still feel light tremors of it buzzing through me. I’d never thought sex could feel this amazing.

I had never been particularly taken with the idea of sex. The idea of a man pumping away into me filled me not with curiosity, but slight revulsion. The whole thing seemed dirty to my mind. Whenever Sandra or my other friends went into detail of the men they’d had sex with, I cringed inwardly.

I never told anyone, but secretly, I thought I was frigid.

But with Caleb, I had unraveled without a second thought. I should have been intimidated by him, by his sophistication, that aloof air that hinted at danger, instead I felt at home with him, as though I had known him all of my life.


My phone vibrated with an alert, and my heart lurched into my throat.

Have you reached home?

I read the message over and over again, wishing with all of my heart I’d just stayed with him like my heart had told me. Maybe I would be in his arms or fucked once again into oblivion.

I sent my reply.

I just did. Thanks. (smiley face emoji)

Almost immediately afterwards, he responded.

Good. Sleep tight. We’ll speak tomorrow.

He was ready to call it a night or maybe he was going to continue working, either way there was something I had to clarify.

You said something earlier … maybe it was just the amazing sex talking ha, ha (laughing face emoji). But you said that I’m yours. What did you mean exactly? (confused cat face emoji)

I wrung my hands anxiously after I sent the message and waited for his response. It came in seconds.

I meant exactly that. You’re mine.

I couldn’t control my smile as I read his response, but it was still somehow vague. I wanted him to spell it out but I didn’t want to look too attached. I sent him a goodnight message with a kissing face emoji, and put the phone away from me. My mother called up to me and I went to help her re-arrange the linen cupboard. At least three times, my mother stopped, and with amusement asked me, “What are you smiling about?”

“Nothing much. Just happy,” I said.

The next day, Bradley brought some magnolias to the shop and when Sandra wasn’t paying attention, I quickly cornered him outside and asked my question.

“What does it mean when a guy says that you’re his?”

He paused for a moment, as he pulled his soil stained gloves from his hands. “Hm… it generally means exactly that.”

“So, like a girlfriend?”

He narrowed his gaze. “Yeah, but it’s a bit more. It’s more of a passionate claim. Well, that’s my opinion, anyway. It’s how I would use it. Why are you asking?” His eyes were filed with curiosity. “Did someone say this to you?”

“Umm … no,” I lied. “I read it somewhere and was just curious.”

“Phew,” he let out a deep breath. “I thought I’d have to go fight someone. You and Sandra are mine,” he joked.

“Umm okay … Bradley,” I said, but I cringed inwardly. I didn’t need pity from him. Instead of messing about with me he should stop being such a coward and go say those words to Sandra.

“What are you two whispering about?” Sandra asked, coming over.

“I was just telling Willow you and her are mine.”

She laughed. “In your dreams.”

The phone rang then I went to answer it.



Taking a deep breath I took the call. I reminded myself that I was doing this for Willow… for us. So that we both could be left in peace. I said nothing while he introduced himself as Finnegan. He had a slimy voice that made my skin crawl. I’d met hundreds of men like him inside. Psychopaths.

“We’ll send our guy over on Monday,” he slimed.

I felt my free hand clench into a fist, but my voice was quiet. “No.”

Willow might decide to come to the office, and I didn’t want her anywhere close to these bastards. Besides, I knew men like him and his lot. If you give them an inch, they will take a mile. As soon as I allow one person into my premises they’ll start to behave as if they own me and the business.

I laid out my own demand. “I work alone and I don’t want any of you hanging around here. I’ve made headway on the product, so in about a week I’ll meet with whomever you want wherever you want, and show you the ropes of how it works. And then we’ll be done. You just make sure it’s someone with a brain because I’m not going to repeat myself.”
