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I rammed into her again.

“For always. Never hold back when you’re in front of me.”

Another thrust.

“Let it all go and let it all out. And leave it to me to pick up the pieces.”

“Stop,” she cried, but she tightened her hold around me.

“I can’t take it. It’s too much.”

I covered her lips with mine and continued making love to her. My lips planted kisses all over her face and then moved to her breasts. I sucked her nipples. I bit them until she cried out. Then I sucked them again.

I felt the tension build and rise dangerously within her, and when she was finally ready to let go again, she exploded with a shout beneath me. I kept moving, soothing the ache, prolonging the orgasm for as long as possible.

“Oh, my God,” she sobbed beneath me.

I held tightly onto her as she fell apart. When it was over she looked at me with no defences in her eyes.

“Now do you want to know what my fetish is?” I whispered.

Her pupils almost as large as her irises. “Yes,” she mouthed soundlessly. I left her on the bed and went to my suitcase. I took out the four silk ropes and brought them to her. Her eyes widened.

“Yes, Willow, I want to do the exact same thing you wanted to do to me. Tie you up and torment you. But I want to do it for hours.”

She lay there quietly while I spread-eagled her and I tied her up to the four posts. My Willow looked beautiful. Then I began. I began to eat her pussy. I have no idea how many orgasms she had. Every time she begged me to stop. She said it was too much. She couldn’t endure another climax. She was too sensitive. She called me names. She shouted at me. But I never stopped. For hours I sucked, I licked, I drank from her pussy.

Finally, finally, when dawn was breaking, and her pussy lips were so swollen they protruded out of her, I stopped. Her eyes were wide, her face was flushed, her hair messy from where she had turned her head from side to side. She was all mine.

I untied her and filled her with my seed then.

“Now you know what my fetish is, my sweet Willow.”



One week later

Once again, I caught myself staring down at my phone. My thumbs were suspended above the screen, but I couldn’t bring myself to place a call or even send a text.

“Flowers are here,” Sandra announced.

I dragged my attention back to reality.

“You seriously didn’t hear Bradley’s van?” she asked, making a baffled face at me as she walked towards the front door, her hands were still sheathed in the gloves she’d been using to work with in the back.

I stared blankly at her, not a single response coming to mind.

“God, you really have it bad for him, don’t you?”

I dropped the phone and went out to assist her to bring in the flowers.

Bradley barely met my gaze, and the cold reception from someone I had been friendly with for years made me feel a bit sad, but I no longer felt any guilt. Why should I? To start with I never encouraged him or promised him anything. Hell, I didn’t even know he felt that way about me. It was his fault for not having the courage to make any kind of official advance, so we could have put the matter to rest ages ago and he wouldn’t have wasted all these years hoping I’d magically realize he was interested in me and return the feelings.

Ignoring his sullen face, I focused on unloading the daylilies that we’d ordered. Bradley had brought a friend along so he joined us in unloading the flowers and fertilizers from the van. Soon enough, the task was completed.

I left Sandra to handle the log with him and returned to my phone. The moment I again pulled up the NASDAQ’s site, something I had never dreamed I would ever be doing. I gasped. The market just kept falling. The entire day was worsening! I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I dialed his number. When he answered I rushed to speak. “Babe, I’m so sorry for calling right now. I just needed to check in. Any updates on your end?”

“Four clients just ordered us to close them out. Combined they’ve suffered about $1.5 million in losses.”

I went silent. I didn’t know what to say to that.

“I’m going to start trading now,” he said. “I’m going to close out the positions against me and allow the rest to run.”

“Alright,” I said. “Alright. I’ll leave you to it. Don’t be too disheartened, things will be okay.”

“Thank you, sweetheart. It’ll be fine in the end. Don’t let this bother you.”

“Okay,” I said, and ended the call so that he could get back to work. I realized I was the center of attention.
