Page 1 of Beastly

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“Good morning, Mr. Marshall. How are you this morning?” The receptionist in front of my office smiles at me but I don’t bother replying and her smile fades away quickly.

I nod my head and step into my office shutting the door behind me and breathing in deep. I hate having to deal with people. That’s why I’m called Beastly by my competitors and employees alike. I don’t have time for chitchat and feeding my employees’ egos by talking to them about their humdrum lives.

I don’t care how your kids are doing. I don’t care how happy you are with your new car. How much you love your new house.

I don’t give a damn. All I want you to do is give full allegiance to my company when you’re working. The rest of it, kindly leave your sad, little humdrum lives at home.

I stalk over to my desk and open my planner up on my computer, double-checking it with the desk calendar for today. Nodding my head, I intercom my assistant.

“How are things coming along with that meeting today with Sargent and Sydney?”

“Your attorneys are happy to meet you for lunch at Le Vivre.”

“Of course they are. They know that I’ll be paying for it multiple times over.” I’ll pay for lunch and I’ll be billed for their time. But they’re the best and that’s why I keep them on retainer.

He chuckles. “That’s right. Was there something specific you were meeting them about?”

“Yes. I want the takeover paperwork looked over by them for the Davis Group. You’ve got that couriered over to them right?”

“Yes, I did. I wasn’t sure if this was something different.”

“No. You sent them the paperwork and they’re supposed to look it over and discuss it at lunch. I want specifics over what that counteroffer that they slipped in there looks like because I’m not impressed.”

Jeremy huffs. “Ah, I see.”

“I’m not sure you do but it doesn’t matter. I’ll deal with them as soon as the attorneys tell me that I’m right and they tried to slip something in there that goes directly against this company. If they want a hostile takeover by deliberately goading me with that fucking little thing they slipped in that contract, then they’ll get it. No questions asked. I will bury them.” Old school style.

Jeremy clears his throat nervously. “Yes, sir.”

I know I’ve made him uncomfortable. I don’t give a shit. I just want him to do his job.

I hang up the phone and sit back in my desk chair, reading over the contract again, my lips curling when I see the buy-back clause that they tried to slip in there if some of the conditions they want aren’t met in the first six months.

Fat fucking chance. I’m not taking over your damn company and putting my hard-earned money into it for you to sit there and think you’re going to take it back at a discounted rate. Mac Davis must think that I’m an idiot. No seasoned businessman would sign this piece of shit contract and the fact that he tried to slip this in lets me know that he doesn’t think much of me or my dedication to his business.

“Fucking dick.”

I put it down and pull out some spreadsheets that I’ve just gotten from the Eastern European division of the company. Everything looks good and I hum to myself as I make a few notes and delve deeper into what looks to be a good fourth quarter with this end of my business.

Two hours later, I stretch and glance at the clock, wincing when I see that I only have twenty minutes to get to the restaurant for the lunch meeting.

I call Jeremy and he picks up. “Yes, sir.”

“I’m on my way out right now. Don’t bother me unless it’s critical. I don’t want to be disturbed.”

“Yes, sir. Have a good lunch.”

I huff and hang up the phone. Once again, I don’t need the niceties. Just do your damn job.

I step outside and the driver smoothly pulls up alongside the curb. “I step into the limo and nod at Henry as he says, “Good morning, sir. Glad to see you again.”

“I have a lunch meeting at Le Vivre.” I put up the smoky glass divider and then check my emails on my phone. It seems like only a minute and the car is pulling up in front of the restaurant.

We park and he comes around to open the door, nodding to me as I exit the car. I nod back.
