Page 6 of Beastly

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I’m back at the place where my whole life changed forever. The place where I first saw my future.

I walk inside, pacing at the door until I decide to go sit down. I don’t want the asshole thinking I’m nervous and he can get the best of me because I’m acting like an idiot.

I ask to be seated and the server quickly seats me, asking me if I’m ready to start. The place is deserted and all of the staff is just focused on us.

I bought out the whole restaurant. I wanted to be sure that we got the privacy we need to make this deal.

Jeremy is sitting at the table as well, the papers spread out in front of him.

I’m not surprised that he’s got the stacks neatly organized and everything ready to sign.

That’s the thing about my assistant. He’s a bit of a flake sometimes but put together a deal and he would gladly trade his mother any day of the week. He’s almost as ruthless as me.

He stands up and heads for the door when we hear a subdued commotion in the front of the restaurant.

He leads the other parties back to us and I smile when I see her in the back of the crowd. I specifically requested that they bring her.

Cameron McCallum looks pissed as hell but there’s also an uneasy understanding in his eyes that this is not going to go the way he wants.

“What do you want?”

I smirk at him. “Now…is that any way to talk to your new boss? After all, I’ve already purchased a significant part of yourbusiness,” I say, sarcastically. I might as well have done air quotes.

He flushes and stares at me. “I don’t know what is going on with you or why all of a sudden you’ve got a death wish, but you might as well just come out with what the hell your problem is so I can get on with my day. We’re not partners…we’re never going to be partners.”

“Fine.” I nod my head. “I hope you’re looking to retire because that’s what’s going to happen. I am going to bury you.” I grin wickedly but there’s no humor in it. I look exactly like what I’m saying right now. I am going to bury him and his company one little iota at a time. “Hell, maybe I’ll speed this up now. I’ve been toying with you up to this point but I am getting a little tired. Yes, by two days from now…your name will be all over everyone’s lips as your company tanks under you. Your investments will be mud in this or any other town.”

I can see him start to sweat and I sit back in my seat, my eyes watching calmly as he seems like he’s thinking things over. There’s a trail of sweat trickling down his back and I can’t stop watching it, smirking.

I’ve got his sorry ass right where I want him. He’s a dead man walking, he just doesn’t know it yet.

After a tense moment or three, he stands up and stalks around the room, prowling like a lion denied its meal. He’s furious. I can see it in every one of his tense steps. He’s practically quivering with it. But I don’t care. I’ll destroy everything of his if it gets me what I want.

One stupid, fragile woman for the rest of my life.

He stops pacing and runs his hands through his hair, grunting. “Fine. What exactly do you want?”

I stand up and stalk towards his little group of sycophants, toadies and paid guards. I move towards her and my eyes stay laser-focused the whole time. She doesn’t flinch, her silvery eyes locked on mine until I’m standing in front of her and one of the men moves between us.

My face heats up and I glare at him. “Don’t do it,” I hiss at him under my breath as he attempts to back away. “You don’t know what’s about to happen and even if you did I’m not sure that you’d be able to stop it.”

He doesn’t say a word. Just steps out of the way and at this time, I’m just a foot or so from her, my gaze transfixed by her beautiful, calm face and the way she keeps her body so still.

Most people when they’re under attack can’t help themselves, they blink or flinch or something along those lines. Not her. She’s utterly calm. Even her face looks completely blank. Like she’s so used to keeping all her emotions under control that she can’t help herself.

I see a quick flicker of alarm when I get as close to her as possible without dragging her into my arms. I can smell a soft, intoxicating cotton-candy sweet scent with a hint of spice and it’s the first time I’m smelling her.

My dick jolts in my pants and it takes every damn bit of control I’ve fought for my whole life to keep from touching her, pulling her in to slam my lips down on hers. I want her moaning and begging me to fuck her but even as I’m thinking that thought, her back goes ramrod straight and I know she’s putting a barrier between us.

Too bad for her, I have the patience to knock down her barriers one little brick of hunger at a time.

It’s time.

I nod at his daughter and smirk. “That is what I want, McCallum.”

He studies me, confused. “What the hell are you talking about, Marshall? That’s my daughter. She’s not for sale.”

I shrug my shoulders and laugh. “We’re in business, McCallum. You know damn well everything is for sale to a man with enough power and money. And I’ve got both of those things in spades.”
