Page 8 of Beastly

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He shoots that plan right out of the sky. “You don’t need anything of his. I will give you anything you need.”

“If you’re so concerned about how he treated me, how about you let me go.”

He throws his head back and laughs. “I just spent a fortune to get you. I didn’t do it out of the goodness of my heart.”

“Why did you do it?”

He grimaces. “It might be too soon to tell you this but I believe in being as upfront as possible in business and all things. I’m going to claim you.”

My brows lift and a shudder runs through my core when he says those words. A shiver of primal fear of the unknown.

“What exactly does that mean?”

“That means that I’m going to take your virginity and fuck you every damn second of the day until I’ve bred you and you’re tied to me for life. Because that’s what it happening here. You’re mine.”

“Your little slut?” I scoff, hurt.

“No. You are my future bride. And I intend to have you. There is no other future for you. Just me.”

He stalks closer when he sees my eyes shifting back and forth and I almost backpedal nervously but I hold my ground. I’ve had years of practice controlling every little muscle in my body.

“Don’t bother trying to figure out how to get out of this. There is not way to run, hide or fight. It will all end the same way,” he says brutally. “I will have you under me and drive into your slick heat until you’re writhing and begging me to fuck you so hard that I’m imprinted on every piece of your body and soul. I own you now. You might not know it yet but you will.”

My mouth falls open and I stare at him like he’s got two heads. I glance down and see the evidence of his desire right there, obvious to even the most innocent woman. Even me.

There’s a huge bulge in his perfectly-tailored pants. A bulge for me.

“Yes, I want you. I want you so damn bad that I’ve spent millions of dollars already. It won’t break me but I don’t give a damn. I will spend every last cent I have to get my ring on your finger and my baby in your belly. I want an heir for my company and you’re going to give it to me. And until you give in, I’ll be treating you as what you currently are. My property.”

“You act like you don’t like how my father treated me, but you sound even worse. You’re taking my choices away for my body. At least he only took my freedom. You want it all.”

“You’re damn right I do. And I will have it.”

“Not if I have anything to say about it.”

He shrugs, unconcerned. “Fight me all you want. I’ve got weapons like nothing you’ve ever seen and I will use them all to get you.”

I almost glance down at his crotch but I stop myself. I don’t want to let him know that he’s affecting me as much as he is.

But he seems like he could care less. Not by a flicker of an iota does he betray his nervousness.

Unlike me. I’m terrified. There’s a softening, a quickening in my lower belly that tells me that he’s right. He won’t even have to try too hard to get me right where he wants me. Hell, I will probably help him.

“Come along, little one. Let’s let the attorneys handle the rest of this. Let’s go home.”

The shiver that slithers like ice along my veins terrifies me. I’ve never been out of my father’s house. Away from his men. Not since I was born. And now, I’m being pulled towards a waiting limo and this man is trailing his burning touch up and down my arm.

A suffocating, yearning hunger tugs at me and makes my belly throb.

I don’t know what’s happening to me but I don’t like it and I intend to fight it.

No man will ever own me like my father did. No matter what I will win my freedom and get away from this guy.

It’s the only chance I have to keep from losing my autonomy completely. Of becoming a mindless slave to a pleasure unlike anything I’ve ever known.

It’s there in that heated gaze and burning touch and it terrifies the hell out of me.

I can’t let myself get used anymore. Not again. Never again.
