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“So you don’t really know.”

His silence answered my question for me.

“What if when we leave the den, I see someone I’m more attracted to?” I shot back.

“Then he will die,” Ivaylo growled.


Maybe I shouldn’t have suggested that.

He hadn’t done anything to show me how physically compatible we were… yet.

It seemed likely that if it became a question, he would do something to prove it.

And the answer would most certainly be a yes.

“Murder seems like an overreaction,” I finally said.

“It’s not. The physical desire between mates is sacred, Ezra. You glow with need for me already; do you really want me to push the magic any more than I already have?”

My cheeks warmed as my focus went to the heat in my body. “No.”

“I didn’t think so.” Despite his words, he didn’t sound satisfied.

Not even a little.

Ivaylo refocused on his cooking.

“What if fate’s wrong, and you’ll like the next woman Serae steals from Earth more than you like me? You don’t really know women, right?”

“I have met many women. I am notwonderingwhether or not I want you. Fate declared you mine for many reasons, and my attraction to you is among them.”

My face flushed further. “It’s magical attraction though, isn’t it?”

“The magic only emphasizes what already exists, which is why you had no problem suppressing the frenzy’s effect on you yesterday. You feared me, but your fear is fading.”

He wasn’t wrong.

My fearwasfading, and as it faded, it made space for the attraction I had felt for him since the first time I saw him. Ivaylo was beautiful; there was no way around admitting that.

I hadn’t met any other shifters in their man forms, but I had a hard time believing one could be as gorgeous as him.

The glow around me rippled again as if in response to my thoughts, and my face burned hotter. “That doesn’t mean I’m going to bite you.”

“No,” he agreed.

I waited for him to add something, but he didn’t.

“So?” I prodded.

“Your desire is merely one aspect of the complexity that is a mate bond. Desire doesn’t even require attraction. If I am to earn your bite, I must earn your trust, become your friend, and mesh my life with yours, correct?”

He was referring to our conversation about humans taking mates. It actually kind of flattered me that he remembered it.

“If you were human, yes.”
