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“I don’t see why my lacking humanity should make me incapable of winning your heart the way a human male would. In traditional shifter matings, love comes after the bond. You want love to come first, correct?”

“Yeah, but—”

“But nothing.” His words were firm, but not cruel. “I am not from your world, but I will adapt to your ways and earn your trust. We will teach the rest of my pack to do the same, so their mates don’t fear them.”

I was pretty sure any human woman with a little sense would fear a ginormous wolf who bit her.

“You can try with me,” I said, wrapping my arms around my middle. “Just don’t be offended if it doesn’t work. I’m really picky.”

“What does that mean?”

Damn him for asking questions.

And damn me for giving him enough information to do so.

“I didn’t really date on Earth.”

His silence told me he didn’t know what that meant.

“Dating is when humans pursue relationships. When they become friends, and mesh their lives together. I didn’t really do it. I’ve never connected my life with a man’s in any way before. I’ve had sex a few times, but I never enjoyed it,” I explained quickly, stumbling over my words a bit. “So I probably wouldn’t enjoy sex with you. You probably wouldn’t enjoy it with me either. I don’t think I’m any good at it. It would probably be better for you if you really did just throw me to the rest of your pack.”

A moment of silence passed.

And another.

And another.

Ivaylo filled our plates, remaining silent as he walked them over to me and then returned with glasses of water as well. My face was still red, and my discomfort certainly hadn’t faded, but I awkwardly began eating.

“Sex is a learned skill, and very subjective,” Ivaylo finally said, setting my plate down on my lap as he sat beside me with his own. “Most females will only enjoy themselves with a skilled male. The males you were with were clearly unskilled or untrained, and I can assure you that would not be the case with me.”

“Untrained?” I lifted my eyebrows, though my face was still burning, and then quickly took another bite of the food. Though it was completely different than what he had cooked the night before, it was still delicious.

Ivaylo said calmly, “The majority of shifters choose to wait to have sex until they can do so with their mate. We are trained in great detail to pleasure our companions, but mainly unpracticed.”

I choked on my food, coughing as I forced it down.

His eyebrows knitted in concern, and he handed me one of the water glasses. I drained it quickly, trying to regain my composure as I did.

I cleared my throat, trying to buy myself time to come up with what to say to him in response to…everything.

“What does this training consist of?” I finally asked him.

His gaze grew slightly curious. “Anatomy lessons and diagrams, mainly.”


I fought the urge to fan my face. “Are the women given the same lessons? Or were they, when they existed?”

“Of course. I would think everyone would want to know how to best bring pleasure to their mate, regardless of their gender.”

“Then I was right; you’ll most likely be disappointed by my lack of training,” I managed.

“If you wanted to pleasure me, I would be more than capable of teaching you how. Male pleasure is far simpler than female, anyway.”

He wasn’t wrong about that.

I nodded, not sure what I should say in response.
