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The last time I’d shattered, the instinct to bury my teeth in his throat had raged. I expected it would do the same again, but I wasn’t against it.

If nature demanded I bite him to seal our bond, I would let it take its course. I knew we could create a love strong enough to last.

So, I let myself get lost in the sensations.

His mouth captured mine as he thrust, making me gasp against him. He tilted my head back, changing the angle of my kiss and gripping my ass tighter.

“Move for me, Ez,”he rumbled into my mind, his fingers digging into my backside harder as he kept kissing me.

Shit, his grip felt good.

So ridiculously good.

I moved my hips, and his growl of approval dragged me closer to the edge.“You feel incredible.”

I wanted to tell him he did too, but my mouth was occupied, and my thoughts were so damn scattered.

Our bodies rocked and moved together, until I was crying out in pleasure. Ivaylo snarled and filled me with his release, and we both came down from the high while he pinned me to the wall. The calming pressure of his body against mine paired with the relief of the climax, and myfurstopped itching for the first time in what felt like forever.

“Damn, you’re good,” I mumbled against his ear.

“So are you.” His lips brushed my cheek once, and then again. “I’m glad it’s you, Ez.”

“I’m glad it’s you too.” I closed my eyes and let out a long breath. “Are you going to let me bite you yet?”

His chest rumbled with humor, and his cock throbbed, still buried inside me. “I can’t believe I’m saying it, but no.”

“Vay,” I protested.

“You’re still not certain. You never told me how long humansdate, either.”

An airy laugh escaped me. “It depends on who you are, how you grew up, and where you live. Around me, when people get married in less than six months, they’re seen as crazy. Honestly, less than a year is still insane to most people.”

“Ayear? Veil.”

“You’re not going to make it a year,” I said with a tired smile.

“Not if you’re actively trying to bite me.”

“Or if we’re actively having sex.”

He made a noise of agreement.

“I think you should stop trying to prevent it and let me bite you when it feels natural. We’re not going to split up even if our bond isn’t sealed, right?”

“Of course not.” His growl made my smile grow.

“Then there’s no point in waiting. We’re friends, and I trust you to take care of me more than I trust myself to. The next time I try to bite you, let me.”

“I’ll consider it.”

I had him with that one.
