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I couldn’t stop pacing, so Ivaylo dragged me to the table, refusing to release me until I sat on his lap. When I couldn’t get the food down, he sat me on his cock and fed me while we made love.

It was one of the most intimate things I had ever done, and I went to bed ridiculously satisfied…

But the itch set in again as we ran.

The third night, I was even worse.

He kissed my mouth until I’d calmed down enough to stop scratching, then kissed my core until I forgot how to breathe. After I forgot how to breathe, he filled my body until I couldn’t remember my own name.

When we reachedthe Fractured Peaks, the itch had returned in full force. It was definitely getting worse, not better.

The mountains themselves were beautiful, at least. They were tall and jagged, made of black stone streaked with gray. The cracks that inspired their name ran through them in random places, a few massive ones, and many, many large and small ones.

Trees with the same black trunks and red leaves as those in the lower parts of the Woods seemed to grow straight out of many of those cracks, creating a forest without dirt or decay.

There was no snow on the mountains, but the temperature was still significantly colder. Though it was still comfortable, I missed the warmth of our land. I had never been a fan of cold weather.

Ivaylo stopped a few minutes outside the pack’s land, stepping behind a massive tree with me. The Peaks were full of so many cliffs and drop-offs, it would make any sane person’s head spin.

I didn’t feel like the sanity thing applied to me anymore, not with my body itching to shift to a form it had never occupied.

Ivaylo pulled me into his arms and held me tightly. The pressure of his body against mine helped a little, but not as much as I would’ve liked.

“We’re here, Ez. You made it,” he murmured into my ear, still holding me close.

“I don’t think I can meet new people right now,” I whispered back.

“We haven’t tried walking yet. Walk with me.”

I wanted to argue, but I didn’t have any better ideas, so I nodded. He released me and immediately slipped his fingers between mine. His hand gripped mine firmly, and I hung onto him for dear life as he tugged me back down the smooth trail we’d been following for a while.

“I am not looking forward to climbing back up this mountain,” I said as he pulled me along.

“We won’t go far. Just enough to get your heart beating. Tell me your positives while we walk.” I liked the command in his voice, and reluctantly agreed.

“We still haven’t crashed into a tree.”

He clicked his tongue. “Not a positive you’ve used before, Ezra.”


Geez, even my grandma hadn’t been so demanding.

“The rocks and twigs aren’t hurting my feet, thanks to whatever magic you gave me.” I gestured toward them.

“My magic will have strengthened them,” he agreed. “Two more.”

I shot him a dirty look, but tried to come up with something. “You’re still with me, and gorgeous.”

“That’s another duplicate, but considering the topic, I’ll allow it.”

I rolled my eyes at him, and he flashed me a small grin. His eyes gave away what he was really feeling, so his humor didn’t distract me from his clear worry for my sake.

“One more, Ez.”

“Alright…” We continued walking downward. “You’re taking me further from the people you want me to charm. Since I’m not very charming, that’s probably a positive for both of us.”

His expression was unamused, so I added, “I’ve proven that I’m great with elderly people, so that can be the third positive.”
