Page 60 of Embracing Darkness

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“Get up you little shit,” I kicked Owen again, a low groan bouncing off the walls as he rolled over. He looked like he’d been through a meat grinder and survived. “You couldn’t even do one job right and then double-crossed me for money. Seriously? And then youstill couldn’t do that.” I cackled, the sound bouncing along the basement walls, looking to Ernest for backup. He merely smirked before I turned back to look at Owen.

“That’s your little brother,” Owen whined.

“Like I give a shit. This program was supposed to change so many goddamn things. Rhys just happened to be the man for the job.” It would have been better had itnotbeen Rhys but that’s who Hawk International had hired. “Besides, if you weren’t so fucking obsessed with my brother, the company wouldn’t have sent you to France. Shit, you were supposed to bemine.”

“You just kept taking. Always had to follow your rules like the one where I can’t even see my own daughter.”

I laughed again at the dying idiot on the floor. “You knew you were never going to meet her. Ernest is a much better face at my side, aren’t you sweetie?” I glared back at him, daring him to fight against my words. He didn’t. He was a fucking pushover, which is why I was now Hawk International’s standing CEO on this side of the water. Ernest was the stand-in and we hadn’t so much as kissed if we weren’t at our parent’s house.

Pretending was so fucking easy even though I hated doing it.

“What now? You came for the program and they took off,” the shit on the floor whined again.

“Oh, you sweet little boy.” I saw right through Owen. He was a weasel through and through. “I already have what I need.” I held up a little disk that I had swiped from the table. “You’re literally fucking useless.”

“You can’t kill me,” he wheezed.

Had he not watched enough TV as a kid? Of course, I was going to kill him. He was of no use to me and sure, we had shared a few romps in the sheets but it was getting old. “I can and I will. If not for being such a little bitch, you fucking terrified my brother and still couldn’t get the job done. Now when I need answers, Rhys is going to be halfway around the world because you instilled that kind of fear in him. I don’t need pathetic people like you in my or my daughter’s life.”

He tried to speak again but I stole his words as I stomped on his chest with my heel, enjoying the way he wheezed, blood joining the dried crimson stains on his chin. Too soon, I found the sound grating on my nerves and whipped out my gun before putting three bullets in his head.Ah, much better.

“Where do you think Rhys is now?” Ernest asked, completely unbothered by the blood pouring out of Owen’s head. See? Better choice already.

“Who the fuck cares? That’s HQ’s problem. First thing is to get this program into the hands that paid for it. The second is to get my fucking daughter back.” Ernest raised an eyebrow as we made our way back upstairs and to the car. “Dad thought he was funny by taking Tia toprotect herfrom me. He saw some letterhead that he wasn’t supposed to and got spooked. I laughed it off as a joke but it’s not funny anymore.”

Ernest nodded as he sat in the passenger seat, and we pulled out of the driveway. “And Owen?”

“Leaving him so that whoever he sold his soul to understands who they’re dealing with.”

Chapter forty-nine

To Be Continued…
