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I stumble through the brush, nearly losing my slippers on the bramble and slippery roots and by the time I see a faint glow up ahead, I know the boys have heard me coming.

Finally, I step out of the thicket and into the mystical clearing.

The glen isn’t very large, an oval shape of grass and weeds surrounded by tall maple and firs, and there’s a circle drawn around the perimeter with white salt. A few candles are set into the grass, flickering at the nexus points of the circle, with Crane’s leather bag open, displaying some books, tiny vials of herbs and oil, selenite and quartz crystals, and two paring knives.

Standing inside the circle, cloaked in the same black robes as I am, are Crane and Brom. With their hoods up and faces in shadow, the only way I know who is whom is because of Crane’s excessive height. Both of them radiate such powerful, dark energy that I feel a chill run down my spine.

“For a moment I was afraid you wouldn’t come,” Crane says in a deep voice, stepping toward me, and in the candlelight, I see the sharp cut of his jaw, the hollow under his cheekbones, though his eyes remain in the dark. “No one saw you, I take it?”

I shake my head. “Not that I could tell. I was very careful.” I look at Brom. “You’re not being restrained,” I note.

“In the circle of protection, he should be safe from the horseman,” Crane explains.

“So you could have drawn a circle of salt around me this whole time instead of keeping me in chains?” Brom grinds out.

A charming smile flashes across Crane’s face as he glances at Brom over his shoulder. “I suppose, but chains are more fun, aren’t they?”

Brom lets out a huff of air, his fingers flexing and unflexing.

“Brom,” Crane chides him. “Put your temper away for tonight. Take my hand.” He holds out his hand for him.

Brom sighs and steps forward, his strong bearded jaw and full lips coming into the candlelight. He reaches for Crane’s hand, and such a simple gesture has my heart doing summersaults.

“The only way this is going to work is if the three of us are a united front,” Crane says, holding out his other hand to me now. “Kat, take both our hands.”

I place mine in Crane’s, and he curls his long fingers around me, holding me tight. I glance up at Brom, and he gives me a nod, taking my other hand in his. Both of their hands are warm and large, their grip strong, and it immediately gives me a sense of peace, like I’m being anchored to the spot.

“Kat, this evening is all about you,” Crane says. Even though his eyes are in shadows, I can still feel them burning on my skin. “We can’t exorcise the horseman from Brom without your help. We will need you to be the vessel for us, the one who contains and creates the energy that will bond us together. That means all of our, well, desire will be channeled into you. So to speak. You are the key to making this work. Does that sound like something you’re willing to do?”

I nod, gnawing on my lip, my anxiety rising. “Of course.”

“Say yes or no,” he clarifies. “We need a definitive answer.”

“Yes,” I say, though I hate how the word trembles.

Crane gives me a kind smile. “Very good. Now, there are some things you need to understand about tonight. We are going to be playing with black magic, especially when it comes time to try and expel the horseman. Things are going to get dangerous. There is going to be a lot of trust required between the three of us, but especially with you. There will be times where you will be scared, and that’s a good thing. Terror can heighten sex, tighten those bonds, expand that energy. But you need to know we will never put you in harm’s way, and that you are safe.”

“What kind of danger?” I ask warily.

He tilts his head toward Brom, but I can’t see their exchange. He looks back to me. “There are two parts to tonight. First is where we solely worship you, make sure you feel safe and desired. It’s all about your pleasure, not ours.” My heart beats louder at that. “The more ready for us your body is, the better it will be.”

He pauses, his voice growing grave. “The second part will involve the exchange of fluids, blood and otherwise. For this part we will all be partaking in a potion that will enhance our ability to communicate through the veil. Now, this is where things might get scary. You will see things around us that might terrify you. You might be terrified of us. We might not look like ourselves. But you have to trust that it’s us all the same.”
