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Now my heart is really galloping. “Alright,” I say in a small voice.

Both men squeeze my hands in unison.

“Kat,” Crane says solemnly. “It’s not too late to back out.”

I lift my chin, trying to feel brave. “I won’t back out.”

“You have to trust us completely. Not just me, but Brom too.”

I glance at Brom out of the corner of my eye, wishing I could see his eyes. “I suppose I’m worried about the horseman.”

“I will do all I can to keep him at bay,” Brom assures me, though I don’t feel all that assured. He didn’t seem able to stop him before. Unless he wanted him to come out those other times…

“And I will do everything to keep you safe,” Crane says, lifting my hand to his mouth and kissing my knuckles. “This I promise you. I will keep you safe from harm, no matter what it is.” He licks his lips. “But you have to consent to this now. You have to consent to the danger, to the terror. You must not break the circle. You must not leave the ritual once it’s in motion. Doing so will have deadly consequences. When we begin the second part, there will be no escape for you, and you must finish the whole thing, even if that means us having to pin you down. Do you understand?”

My eyes widen. “Pin me down?”

“You can’t break the ritual once it is in motion,” Crane says, his voice hard. “Even if you decide you have had enough, we won’t let you leave, and we will force you to finish it. So now, while you can still consent to this, I need to know that you will consent to it.”

I try and swallow the brick in my throat. “I need to see your eyes while you tell me I will be safe this entire time.”

Crane gives me an apologetic smile, and lets go of Brom’s hand while he pulls his hood back. Brom takes the opportunity to do the same. “Of course,” Crane says, and I see the sincerity in those beautiful eyes. “I will keep you safe the entire time, vlinder. No harm will come to you. I will die before anyone hurts you.”

“And I would kill anyone who did the same,” Brom says, and I’m captured by his dark gaze.

“Alright,” I say, knowing that I have two knights to watch over me, and even if one is compromised, the other is still there. I also have my own magic, which isn’t to be discounted considering I’m the one who disarmed the horseman last time. “I consent to the ritual. Even if I try to break the circle, I submit to what you need to do to keep me there.”

“Good girl,” Crane says, and I can’t help but flush at his praise. Then he looks at Brom. “And you, I need you to consent too. That you will obey me without question. I know you’re usually very good at that, but we’ve never shared Kat before in this way. I have to be the one in charge or it doesn’t work.”

Brom lets out a low rumble.

“What was that?” Crane says, leaning in, hand at his ear.

“I said I consent,” Brom says sharply. “Doesn’t mean I’m happy about it.”

“Trust me, pretty boy, you’ll be a very happy man by the end of this.” He pauses, smiles. “Getting your cock sucked dry by our sweet witch.”

“And there he goes,” Brom says under his breath with a shake of his head.

Meanwhile my face is burning now. Despite the chill this October night and being naked under my robe, my body is already overheating.

“Shall we begin?” Crane says, ignoring Brom. “Please step over the circle, Kat.”

They both reach back to take my hands as I step over the salt, careful not to disturb it, and they lead me to the middle beside the candles. Then they let go of my hands and step back.

“Disrobe,” Crane commands me.

I gulp. I undo the robe and let it slide off my shoulders, pooling at the ground. I stand there completely naked and cold, Brom on one side of me, Crane on the other.

“Jesus,” Crane murmurs as he stares at me.

Brom takes in a sharp inhale.

I feel both their eyes coasting all over my body, leaving no spot unseen. It feels like butterfly wings all over my skin. Outside the circle, the surrounding trees seem to whisper, their leaves shaking from a breeze that coasts over my body, tightening my nipples and creating goosebumps in its wake.

“Let down your hair,” Crane murmurs to me, his voice already thick with lust. “Every part of you should be free.”

I have my hair pinned into a low bun, so I reach up and take out the pins, tossing them to the side. My long hair tumbles over my shoulders in silken waves, catching the candlelight.
