Page 29 of Season of Wrath

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A jolt of anticipation races through me at the thought of him coming inside me, of the consequences I faced last time. I should get proactive and find a second form of birth control, just to be safe, if this is going to become a regular thing.

And I sincerely hope it will.

“Come with me,krasivaya,” he commands.

The sexy sound of Russian leaving his lips undoes me. He is the master of my body, and I couldn’t disobey him if I wanted to.

“I’m coming!” I gasp, my head dropping back and my lips parting as I give a silent cry.

His cock swells inside me, and as it starts to pulse with his own release, I fall apart around him. Throbbing and twitching, I ride the waves of ecstasy that rush out to my fingers and toes. Reveling in the momentary oblivion, I let my eyes flutter closed.

The deep, heavy satisfaction that follows relaxes my muscles until I’m nothing more than a puddle beneath him.



The look of pure bliss that softens Heidi’s face steals the air from my lungs. She’s so unique in her raw vulnerability, the open honesty of her expressions, and the way she lives her life. Though I hardly know her, I feel as if we’d been together for a lifetime. Despite my determination to keep women at arm’s length, I find that with Heidi, I can’t resist the urge to learn more.

We still together, and I relish the sensation of her aftershocks as they twitch around my cock, still buried inside her to the hilt.

“That,” she breathes, “was exactly what I needed.”

A low chuckle rumbles through my chest as I press a soft kiss to the small mark I left at the base of her throat. It will be gone by the morning, but it fills me with a sense of satisfaction to know I’ve marked her in my own way, claimed her at least temporarily.

Then I ease out of her. Rolling off the bed, I head to the ensuite bathroom to discard the spent condom. As I return to the bedroom and rummage in one of my drawers for a pair of joggers, I admire Heidi’s lean, athletic body sprawled across my bed.

She’s clearly taken pains to maintain her fitness, even after quitting dance, though her curves have only gotten better with time. Her long legs draw my eyes toward the irresistible peak of her thighs.

Her cheeks color when she catches me openly appreciating her figure, and a shy smile graces her lips.

“Care to join me for a glass of wine?” I offer as I step into my gray sweatpants.

“Sure,” she agrees, sitting up to collect her bra and undies from the floor as I scoop up her dress.

Her shoes litter the floor nearby, and I can’t recall when they might have come off. I was so lost in the moment, I didn’t even stop to think about them. Covered once again in her fine lace lingerie, Heidi steps close to accept her dress from me.

Rather than handing it over, I hold it up, making it easy for her to step into. She ties it closed before bending to collect her shoes, and my cock twitches at the proximity of her full hips proudly offered up just feet in front of me.

I can’t wait for the next time.

But first, we really should discuss the details of our arrangement.

With her nude high heels hooked on the fingers of one hand, Heidi looks up to meet my eyes as I place my hand on the small of her back and guide her back out to the main living space of my penthouse.

Her eyes widen as she takes in the furnishings followed by the twinkling city lights of my view.

“You like it?” I ask, unable to keep the amusement from my tone as I note her blatant awe.

“You’re going to have to introduce me to your decorator,” she states, a hint of envy in her voice.

“I already have.”

Her eyes flash to mine as I bring her to one of the bar stools surrounding my kitchen island. I pull it out and wait for her to sit. She does, though her gaze demands a name before she’ll let me leave.

“I chose it myself,” I state.

My lips twitch at the flicker of surprise that she manages to cover with impressive speed.
