Page 53 of Season of Wrath

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“Of course.” He sounds exceedingly relaxed, as though this is a perfectly normal request.

Perhaps it would be if it weren’t me and Maks, two people who haven’t shared a single meal together but have had sex nearly twenty times in less than two weeks.

“Thanks.” Quickly muting my phone, I stand from my desk and head to the frosted glass door separating my office from the main office.

Poking my head out around the door, I spot Zoe sitting at the front desk, working diligently on my schedule for the week. “Hey, Zoe?” I ask tentatively.

“Yeah, Boss?” she asks, knowing full well that I hate it when she calls me that.

I take a deep breath, trying to find the right words to explain the situation. “Maks just called. He wants to take me out to dinner tonight.”

Zoe’s eyes widen with surprise, and she abandons her work to give me her full attention. “Dinner? That’s a big step up from your... casual arrangement. Are you considering it?”

I nod slowly, my thoughts still swirling. “Yes, I am. But I need your help.”

She leans in, her curiosity piqued. “Sure, what’s up?”

“Sarah,” I say, my heart sinking a little when I think about skipping a meal with her. I haven’t since she was born. “Obviously, I can’t take her with me, and I don’t want to impose on you, but...”

Zoe flashes me a reassuring smile. “Say no more. I can take care of Sarah for the evening. We’ll stay up late eating popcorn and watching PG-13 movies. It’ll be great.”

“Zoe,” I scold, my eyebrows buckling.

“Only kidding. Of course I’ll watch her. You have fun on your date.” Zoe gives me a cheeky wink.

Relief washes over me. “Thank you, Zoe,” I say, my voice filled with gratitude. “You’re a lifesaver.”

She waves it off with a chuckle. “No problem at all. I’ve got your back. Just promise me you’ll spill all the juicy details about your date tomorrow.”

I laugh, feeling a bit more at ease now that the babysitting situation is sorted. “Deal.” Then I take a deep breath, feeling a mixture of nerves and excitement as I step back into my office and unmute my phone. “Yes, seven sounds perfect,” I tell Maks, my pulse quickening.

“Wonderful. Then I will see you tonight. Wear something... nice.” He sounds genuinely pleased I accepted, and the way the word “nice” rolls off his tongue makes my skin flame. “And, Heidi?”


“I know you do not normally wish to spend the night, but I have something special in mind for this evening. May I keep you until the morning? I promise you will make it to work on time.”

I hesitate for a moment, my mind racing as my mouth goes dry. Spending the whole night with Maks feels like a bold move, especially considering Sarah, but something about his request tugs at my heartstrings. I want to take the plunge. “Yes, that should be fine.”Hopefully. I’ll check with Zoe as soon as I’m off the phone.

“Excellent. See you tonight.” Maks sounds pleased, and I can almost picture the satisfied smirk on his face.

As I hang up the phone, my heart is racing with a mixture of excitement and uncertainty. Once more, I poke my head out of my office to catch Zoe’s attention. “Soooo, I might have just agreed to spend the whole night with Maks. Is that alright? If not, I can call him back.”

Zoe grins, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “I think Sarah and I can manage just fine, don’t you worry. I’ll bring her to the office in the morning.”

Relief washes over me once again as I thank Zoe profusely. She’s always been my rock, my confidante, and this is no exception.

With my plans in place, we decide to call it an early day at the office. Zoe, Sarah, and I head home together, a sense of excitement filling the air. Once we arrive home, the reality of the evening ahead sets in.

I haven’t been on an actual date in so long, I can’t even remember the last one. Definitely back in college, before Mom got sick. My nervous excitement sends me rushing to get ready, my heart pounding with anticipation. Full of boundless energy and curiosity, Sarah follows me around, watching with wide eyes as I select outfits and lay them out on my bed. After a half hour of indecision and second-guessing myself, finally, Zoe steps in.

Always the fashion voice of reason, she picks up two dresses—a rich forest-green silk cocktail dress and a black sheath dress with an open back and a glossy gold collar in place of a halter top. “Alright, Sarah, it’s dress-up time. We need to make sure Mommy looks her absolute best for her special night out. Which dress should she wear?”

Delighted by the prospect of getting to choose my pretty dress for the evening, Sarah bounces excitedly across the bed. But when she reaches the dresses, she seems to realize the gravity of her responsibility, and she studies both dresses gravely before saying, “The green one.”

Zoe and I exchange knowing glances, both of us sharing a moment of silent amusement. Of course she picked the colorful dress. But I don’t blame her. It’s a striking shade of green, one that Zoe demanded I buy because it brings out my eyes.

“Thanks, sweetie,” I say with a soft chuckle. “That’s such a pretty dress. I love your choice. And now, I’ll think of you while I wear it.”
