Page 61 of Season of Wrath

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We work in tandem, each of us using our own sink but standing close enough to the other that our elbows occasionally touch as we perform our nighttime rituals.

Strangely enough, getting ready for bed, brushing my teeth, and taking off my makeup with the intention of spending the night together feel far more intimate than what we’ve been doing for the past few weeks.

As I follow Maks back into the bedroom a few minutes later, dressed in a set of striped pajama shorts and a tank top, I realize for the first time that we’ve never actually fallen asleep together. In truth, I’ve never spent an entire night with any man.

In an instant, I’m a hundred times more nervous than I should be.



The sight of Heidi in her adorable pink-and-white striped outfit—dressed for sleep rather than a steamy night between the sheets, no makeup to mask her natural beauty—makes me pause as she enters the room.

I knew she would be pretty even when dressed down, but what astonishes me is that she might just be even more stunning now than when she stepped out onto the roof of my penthouse at the start of this evening.

Her hair is a wild mess of waves after our last round of sex, and she looks just rumpled and innocent enough to be cute rather than her usual sophisticated elegance. But the natural color of her complexion and full nude lips is radiant, even captivating.

“What?” she asks, her bare feet hesitating in the bathroom doorway as he catches me watching her.

“I like your pajamas,” I observe, flashing her a smile.

“Well, not all women like to sleep with a thong shoved up their booty and wire cups poking them in the ribs,” she states, her tone halfway between playful and defensive.

“Why would they when this is an option?” I look her up and down once again to confirm my approval with a glance.

Heidi bites her lip, seeming to wonder whether I’m poking fun at her or actually giving her a compliment. But I can’t stop smiling, and after a moment, she relaxes, returning my grin as she heads to her side of the bed.

Only after she climbs beneath the covers do I turn off the bedside lamp.

The electric energy that follows takes me completely by surprise.

I’ve taken women places overnight before, slept in the same bed with them without it feeling like a big deal. Then again, those women had stayed at my house, if not in the same bed as me, for weeks leading up to our getaways.

Perhaps it’s the novelty of knowing Heidi will have to completely let down her guard in my presence. That she must trust me enough to fall asleep in the same bed as me. But suddenly, the situation feels more intimate than I had anticipated.

And what concerns me most is that I’m not sure I mind.

I’m intensely aware of the sound of her breathing, soft and shallow beside me. An indication that she might be nervous.

I sense every little shift she makes in the bed, and I’m consumed by an uncommon need to feel her body warmth. I want to close the distance between us once again.

It’s well past midnight already. We both have work in the morning, and yet I find I’m not ready for the night to be over.

Easing over to Heidi’s side of the bed, I lean on my forearm to look down at her in the dim light. Her eyes peer up at me, the color leeched to nearly gray in the soft moonlight. But they twinkle with unspoken excitement.

As I lean in to kiss her, her thick lashes flutter as her eyes close. Our lips meet with a soft caress, the contact tantalizingly sensual. Heidi hums, wriggling closer until her body perfectly molds to mine.

My heart swells with a sudden and intense desire to hold her, and rather than teasing or punishing, I want to just experience the perfection of her body. It’s not something I’ve craved before—even with Symphony.

I’ve always had a dark side when it comes to sex and seeking pleasure through testing women’s lines. But not with Heidi. I find her soft edges and willingness to trust too alluring to risk it. Instead, I’m drawn toward bringing that out in her. Right now, I want to see what she’s like without all the toys, the bondage, the punishment.

I kiss her slowly, tracing the soft pad of her lower lip as I stroke the line of her jaw with my fingers. The groan Heidi releases makes my stomach flip and my pulse flutter. She likes soft and sensual. I can feel it in the electricity crackling between my fingers and her body.

And though I adore the cute pajamas she brought for our night together, I need more skin-to-skin contact. Easing my hand down over the soft cotton of her tank top, I find the hem with my fingers and slip them beneath the edge.

Then, my palm grazing the soft satin of her stomach, I guide her shirt up over her ribs.

Heidi willingly complies, arching her back to help me and raising her arms over her head so I can take it the rest of the way off. Then her supple breasts press against my pecs once more, the taut nubs of her nipples against my skin.
