Page 88 of Season of Wrath

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Then he climbs into bed with me, his body aligning with mine with effortless perfection. “I know I’m doing this all out of order,” he murmurs as he trails soft kisses down my throat to my breasts. “And I don’t have a ring—yet. But, Heidi Turner, I love you. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anything. And I want to show you that every day for the rest of our lives. Will you marry me?”

His lips draw kisses back up to my mouth, and he presses a single chaste kiss there before pausing, his arms resting against the mattress on either side of my shoulders, as he waits for my answer.

“Yes,” I breathe, tears of joy stinging my eyes as I nod emphatically. “Yes, I’ll marry y—”

Maks’s lips find mine, cutting short my response as he kisses me with renewed passion, and I groan with pleasure as he eases inside me a moment later. I can hardly breathe, I’m so overcome by the euphoria of being in his arms, of feeling the love radiating from his body in tangible waves.

All that potential I could see hidden behind his thick walls floods forth now, wrapping me in deep emotion that leaves me speechless. Maks said he loves me. He said it without fear or hesitation. And I know I’m in love with him too.

I can’t believe I’m so fortunate that he is the father of our child because he’s the only man for me. I think somewhere, deep down in my soul, I’ve known it all along.

We’ve both suffered so much pain and loss in our lives, and I know those people will never truly leave us. But now, I can’t wait to discover all the new, wonderful possibilities of a life with Maks.

This is my happily ever after. With the man of my dreams, the most wonderful daughter in the world, and the best family a girl could ask for.



Istand in the soft glow of the late-afternoon sun, my heart fluttering with anticipation. We decided to keep our wedding day simple after a short engagement. Maks didn’t want to wait, and honestly, I couldn’t agree more. But as I stand waiting for the guests to arrive, the day almost feels surreal. It happened in the blink of an eye.

But I’m just excited that tonight, I’ll go to bed the wife of Maksim Federov.

Excitement bubbles up inside me, threatening to overflow as I watch the final preparations for our special day unfold at Le Fleur. By happy coincidence, I learned that the favorite French restaurant Zoe, Sarah, and I have been going to for years happens to be owned and run by none other than Maks’s sister-in-law Camille.

Camille—Dimitri’s wife—has proven to be nothing short of a delight in helping with wedding preparations, and I’m so grateful that she’s closed the entire restaurant for the evening to accommodate the celebration of our nuptials. It’s mostly family in attendance, and our closest friends, which for me is one and the same. And that’s just how I like it.

The scent of fresh flowers fills the air as a gentle breeze rustles through the open front doors. I take a deep breath and savor the moment. The guests who made our very short guest list are arriving, and everything feels perfect.

I look over at Sarah, our adorable flower girl, her giggle of excitement contagious as she twirls in her tiny white dress. I can’t help but smile as I watch her. Having her here today, playing a part in the wedding, is a dream come true, and I love that she’s as excited for us to become a family as I am.

Zoe claps enthusiastically at her performance, and once again, I’m grateful for my lifelong friend who was more than willing to accept the responsibility of watching Sarah today and taking her home for a sleepover tonight so Maks and I can have time alone on our wedding night.

Maks’s brother, Alexei, approaches me, his tuxedo impeccably tailored and a warm smile on his face. He leans in to kiss my cheek, and I can’t help but feel a surge of gratitude for the strong bond that has formed between us since he and Dimitri helped Maks come to my rescue.

Already, I feel like part of the family, and the ceremony hasn’t even happened yet.

“Congratulations, Heidi,” he says, his Russian accent adding a touch of charm to his words. “You look stunning.”

“Thank you, Alexei,” I reply, a blush rising in my cheeks.

He nods, his eyes scanning the well-decorated space. The space didn’t need much more than a few bouquets of fresh wedding-white flowers to add a bit of formality to the already charming ambiance. They made the perfect touch to the restaurant adorned with extravagant, curling chandeliers that drip glittering crystals. The vaulted exposed-beam room is cast with a soft, romantic light.

The rustic wood chairs and tables give it a countryside cottage feel, and the green vines that wind around the solid wood beams give the space a hint of an enchanted-forest atmosphere. It’s the vision of a true artist, and I’ve always admired whoever chose Camille’s decor.

“It’s a beautiful day for a wedding,” Alexei observes. “I’m glad my brother didn’t want to wait any longer.”

I smile in silent agreement. Maksim’s impatience to start our lives together is one of the things I love most about him. Since the day he told me he loved me, Maks has proven more devoted, more caring, more attentive as a father and as a partner than I ever could have imagined. And his eagerness to marry me is just one more endearing piece to the man I fall more in love with every day.

“Me too.”

Alexei gives me a signature wink and walks away to greet other guests.

I watch the children playing together, their laughter filling the air, and it warms my heart to see Sarah having such a great time with her new friends, cousins she’s quickly grown close to and looks forward to seeing. It’s moments like these that make me believe in the magic of love and family.

I feel so blessed to be joining Maks’s.

We keep the ceremony simple—no more than fifteen minutes—but filled with heartfelt vows and promises. Maks asked his brother Dimitri to officiate, and he knocks it out of the park with a few choice words about love, devotion, and the significance of finding someone you want to hold onto forever.
