Page 107 of Saving the Single Dad

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“Hey,” she said softly, and man if this wasn’t just the worst fucking day.

I focused on locking the gym doors before veering for my truck.

“Where’s the mediator?” We only ever spoke with a third-party between us.

“I figured we could chat, just the two of us.”

Opening my truck door, I set the phone down on the console, slammed the door shut, and while I started it, buckled.

Once I was situated, I pulled it back up to my ear, “—and anyway I thought it was time for me to see them.”

“Have you been talking this entire time?”

She paused, and then launched into it again.

“Liam, I want to see the girls…and you. I miss you.”

Rolling my eyes, I waited for the phone to connect to my Bluetooth.

“Lacey, our parenting plan says you can’t contact me unless you have a mediator.”

Someone spoke in the background, and the chatter and laughter got louder.

“No, it says third party…”

“Hi, Liam.” Fucking Julie.

Lacey spoke up. “See, now we have a third party.”

Fuck this.

“No, we’re not doing this.”

“Just half an hour at the park where your pretty little nanny took the girls that one time. Please, Liam.” It grated my nerves like no other when her tone dipped into mockery around the words,pretty little nanny.

“Lacey, no. Follow the parenting plan. It’s that simple.”

Julie made some comment about being right, and telling her so, but I ignored it.

“So you want me to have to be supervised like a criminal while I see my own children? How will the girls even look at me if there’s a stranger in the room with us? No, my girls need their mother without all that shit.”

“How about Maddy? Does she still need you after what you did?”

Silence met me for only a second before Julie started in.

“Fuck you, Liam. You know Lacey was in a rough place back then. She never would have left her—”

“That’s enough. Julie, get off the phone,” Lacey commanded, and I heard some shuffling then it was a bit quieter.

“Look, Liam. Fine. I can’t see the girls. But what about me and you seeing each other? I miss you, and I know you’re missing me. Maybe we could meet somewhere, just for a while. I’ll suck you off real good, let you treat me like a dirty slut. I remember how much you used to like that.”

I barked out a laugh.

“Lacey, I will not ever be touching you again. I’d become a monk before I let that happen. I will, however, be touched tonight by that pretty little nanny of mine. Don’t call me again unless you have our court-mandated mediator on the line.”

I hung up, realizing I was strangling the steering wheel and still parked in the gym parking lot.
