Page 132 of Saving the Single Dad

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“I had a fucking wife, Haley. I was married. I know what it’s like to still love someone even though they messed up. I know what it feels like to still want your wife even though she’s gone. What I felt for her, you’d never understand, because you’re not my wife, and as of right now, you’re not anything to me. I want you to leave.”

He turned, about to toss my suitcase in the back seat of my car, but his arm dropped the second he saw Mila’s car seat. I bought one specifically for my SUV. The girls’ tablets were in their little tote bag, along with headrests and blankets. The girls were spoiled as hell, but I wasn’t about to apologize for that. Not when he left me in charge of them for almost three months.

His face twisted as he stared, and maybe he was considering all he’d said. Maybe he was regretting the words that had left him in a fleeting moment of anger, but the damage had been done.

My heart raged as violently as if I’d tossed it into the middle of a storm in the Pacific.

He’d just torn through all that we’d built…all that he’d done to get me, to have this…he’d just thrown it all away. He’d had his fun, but now that the hard stuff came in, he was out.

And fuck him for generalizing my life, and my experiences…and for getting my age wrongagain. He had no right to speak to what I knew of life—and fuck his silver platter. I created the platter and served myself. I may not have kids, and maybe I hadn’t ever been married, but I knew my worth, and he clearly didn’t.

Lifting my chin, I turned on my heel and went back for the rest of what I could carry.

“Haley...” His voice broke, but I paid it no mind.

I gathered what I could, the most important things, and kept my gaze down. I saw his socks…they were ones I had bought for him. There was extra cushion in the toes.

His hand went to my waist, trying to stop me, and my determined gaze met his.

His silver eyes watered and had a red tinge around the skin, but they begged me to stop and listen. The problem was, I already had, and his words had branded my heart and assaulted my confidence.

His mouth parted, his grip firm on my hip.

“Just…wait. I…please—"

“I’ll have Colson get the rest of my things,” I interrupted. “Please leave it in the garage so I don’t have to go back inyourhouse.”

Then, without a single look back, I moved past him, and he let me go.


My big brother

Beautiful Views




My kids

The Guest Bedroom

Liam was an idiot.

At least in whatever he assumed was going to happen or not happen with me getting to see the girls. I knew they were his, but they were also mine.

He’d kicked me out, but the first place I went was to my brothers.

Cole didn’t know what was going on yet, at least he didn’t act like he did, so when I walked in and gathered the girls around me, he didn’t seem to catch on to anything being different.

“Haley! Did you see our cupcakes? We made them with Daddy just for you!” Mila yelled, wrapping her tiny arms around my neck as I knelt down. Seraph gently hugged me next while Maddy stood there smirking.

“I saw them! They were the most beautiful cupcakes in the whole world.”

“Dad messed up on the first batch,” Maddy said with a giggle.

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