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“Where are you?” I could hear through the phone because the person on the other end was so loud.

Liam sat up swiftly and cleared his throat again.

“Shit, I overslept.”

I couldn’t hear the rest because Liam had moved away from me, but I had a feeling it was Colson on the phone.

“Yeah, I’ll be there in a few.”

I moved to sit up, realizing we’d fallen asleep after sex last night. My thighs were sticky, my breath was horrendous, and my hair was probably a rat’s nest.

“I have to go grab the girls,” Liam said, gripping the edge of the bed.

I stared at the outline of his back as light from the shades filtered in enough light to see by.

“Okay, do you still want to meet at the gym later?”

He turned, giving me a sly smile.

“You still want to meet after it opens?”

My core heated instantly, remembering how good he felt last night. How different it was from the other two times I had sex. Liam knew exactly what he was doing. He didn’t fumble or ask me what I wanted. He told me, and it was so liberating. Sexy. I wanted that again, but I also really did want to learn self-defense.

“Yes, apparently we need accountability.”

Liam scoffed and then reached for my ankle, dragging me closer to him.

“The only thing we need is more time like this, alone. I was hoping I’d be up in time for another round with you.”

Me too.

With his arms around me, it was easy to fall into a sense of peace and security. Liam’s arms felt like a band of steel, like the strongest force on earth that would protect me from anything.

“You know I’m not ashamed of this—of us, right?” he asked, kissing my temple.

I nodded, facing the wall, my back against his chest.

“But I think…” He hesitated, but I was already there. I knew and completely agreed with him.

“We should keep it private, get used to it.”

He hummed his agreement. “Just for the girls, and your brother…might be easier.”

I hated the way those words made me feel, even if I agreed with them.

“Yeah, I think so too.”

He let me go, and I moved to sit up.

“But every time we’re alone, you’re mine.”

My gut tightened, both loving and hating his words. A part of me wondered if this was how my mother had felt when she became my father’s dirty little secret. If she lived for the moments when he’d shed his family and became a different person, making her promises in the dark.

I tried to shake the feeling and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.

Liam kissed me one more time after he dressed then hurried out through the back door, watching carefully to make sure he wasn’t seen as he walked down the block to get his truck.

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