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“No, that would just be mean.” He looked like he wanted to stick his tongue out at me but he held himself back. “I just meant this is very pretty and feels very authentic.”

“I know.” Looking around at the stone walls and the slightly rustic vibe, I could see why he liked it, and why it seemed to be bringing his little side out. “It feels a lot older than I expected, and I can’t tell if this is an old building they just highlighted the best features of or if it’s new and they designed it to look old.”

Ruslan chuckled quietly, looking adorable in an I-have-a-secret way. “Do you want me to tell you?”

He’d clearly done more in-depth research on the restaurant than I had, but I was glad he was enjoying himself.

“I don’t know.” Leaning back, I gave him a skeptical look. “Part of me wants to guess and part of me wants to let you tease me because you’re so cute when you do it.”

And the blush was back.

He squirmed as he tried to glare at me, but it would’ve looked more menacing if his eyes hadn’t been sparkling with laughter. “That was mean.”

No, it was fun.

“Have you ever been to Italy?” Changing the subject slightly pushed him off balance enough that he blinked a few times before his brain caught up. “It’s high on my travel list, but I haven’t been yet.”

That was drama I hoped we wouldn’t get into tonight, so I was glad when he jumped at the new topic to talk about himself and not ask me more questions. “I did. I went to Florence and Venice a few years ago. It was a mix of work stuff and fun, and it was amazing.”

Talking about the things he’d loved and his frustration with the trip took us through our appetizer and well into our main course. He was confident and animated and just the cutest thing ever…and he wasn’t nervous at all.

We also weren’t talking about work or little stuff, so I was pleased and kept the conversation going as long as I could.

When he finally wound down, sighing as he twirled another bite of spaghetti carbonara around his fork, he smiled. “I want to go back, but there are so many other places to visit that just doesn’t sound reasonable.”

“I’m not sure fun things like traveling should be based on if they’re reasonable or not, but I can see your point.” And I was glad he wasn’t completely pushing reason aside just to be insane like some people I could’ve named.

He smiled sheepishly, looking adorable. “I just don’t want to miss other wonderful places just because I already found places I like.”

“But you also don’t want to avoid places you love just because you really like it.” I chuckled when his face scrunched up. “It’d be like never playing with your favorite toy because you had to play with the others too.”

His lower lip poked out a tiny bit as he scrunched up his face and truly obsessed over the idea. “The other toys might get lonely…but yes…we can’t punish the best toys just because they’re the best.”

Huffing, Ruslan aimed a frustrated glare at me that seemed to be halfway between being little and big. “Now you’re going to have me obsessively looking at my…things, to make sure I’m not avoiding my favorites.”

I wasn’t sure if I should apologize for that or not.

“I’m glad I’m making you more thoughtful.” My answer had him rolling his eyes. “I guess I’ll just have to stop by more to make sure you’re not worrying too much.”

He liked that idea.

Pink cheeks flared again and he nibbled on his lower lip as he wiggled. “I…I’d like that, but I wasn’t sure what the timeline for inviting you back over should look like.”

Causing him to overthink felt like something I should actually apologize for, but I wasn’t sure that made any sense or was something I could ever control, so I stopped myself. “This week was hard with the break and all, but I want to come over more often.”


“I don’t want to push your boundaries, especially since I don’t really know them yet, but I had a good time the other night.” I had to smile when he sighed and looked like some of the stress in him was deflating like a balloon. “I’m not sure what would be considered too much or too fast, but I’d love to be invited over…and if you want to tell me when it’s okay for me to invite myself over, that would be great.”

Dom didn’t mean I got to take over his life and just show up uninvited.

As he grinned, clearly approving of that idea, I shrugged. “I have no problem showing up when wanted or needed, but I’m really trying not to make you frustrated.”

Ruslan sucked in his lower lip as his gaze dropped to his plate, but it didn’t take long for him to peek up through his lashes. “I’m not good at asking for relationship things when I’m…when I’m fully in a grown-up headspace, but…but little me has a thing for bugging friends.”

“Like calling Jack the other night and texting his Daddy?” I laughed softly as Ruslan nodded and blushed. “Then we need to make sure I’m saved in your phone right at the top so little you can invite me over to play.”

He seemed to be doing his best not to look shy or nervous, but I liked the way he sighed and wiggled. “Well, you do bring dessert and you can come over quickly.”
