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Yep, that was Ruslan logic.

But I knew he hadn’t dated anyone seriously enough in the last six months to have invited them for toy time. Just the vague mentions he’d made about dating over dinner made that clear. So there was a good chance he hadn’t gotten the chance to submit in longer than I was imagining.

So both it was as long as he realized there was a catch.

“You’ll get both, but only on the understanding that I’m going to send you a limits list and you’ll have forty-eight hours to fill it out and send it back, or we have the whole information exchange verbally.” I paused, letting how serious I was sink in.

Ruslan swallowed hard, nodding once the words hit. “Two days. I’ll remember.”


“If not, we’ll sit down at your table and go over every question point by point.” Pulling out the big guns seemed necessary. “Or I’ll ask Malcolm the best way to handle a sub who won’t communicate.”

His face scrunched up. “No, we won’t have to do that.”

I found it adorably insane that he didn’t call me out for that being inappropriate, but it seemed that I wasn’t the only person the crazy Dom had given thecommunication is the most important part of a relationshiplecture to.

Ruslan must’ve gotten a good one because he sat up straight and was aiming to look like the perfect submissive, even spreading his knees wider. “I’ll remember the timeline and I’ll be very diligent.”

“Good boy.” Giving him a quick peck, I held out my hands for his. “Let’s go look at your toys. Then I’m going to enjoy kissing you.”

He tried to look calm as he placed his hands in mine, but I could feel the energy vibrating through him. “You picked options that you liked too.”

“Yes, sexy boy.” Letting him see just how much I wanted him, I gave him another kiss, softly fucking his mouth that time. “I’m going to thoroughly enjoy rewarding you.”

Holding back my desire would’ve done more harm than good at that point, so as I released his lips, I cupped his cheek and kept his gaze on mine. “I can’t wait to see you naked. I can’t wait to touch you. And I’m going to thoroughly enjoy kissing you, my beautifully naughty boy.”

He was wicked in the cutest and most frustrating ways possible, but I wasn’t one to back down from something just because it was difficult.

Keeping my tone innocent and light as I helped him to stand, I made sure my face was wonderfully sweet. “Then, if you’re very sweet after your reward, I might lock up your cock until we have our next date.”

The shiver that raced through him had his knees going wobbly and he tightened his hold on my hands to keep him steady. He seemed slightly dumbstruck as I rose and wrapped my arms around him. “You’d get several good rewards tonight and you’d be able to remember how good our date was over the next few days.”

We’d have to see if it actually went days, but for the time being, I could feel desire humming through him as his brain seemed to shut down.

“Show me your toys so I can give you the reward I promised.” Orders turned out to be much better than questions because Ruslan nodded and even took my hand to lead me back through the house.

I still hadn’t gotten a verbal response to the cock cage idea but stunned silence and a hard-on seemed like a better indication of his feelings than any words would’ve been. So I wasn’t worried and the quiet gave me a chance to be nosy as I walked through the house.

A playroom.

I only got a quick peek and it seemed almost half done and not a fully decorated space, but I was glad to see he’d been trying to take care of his little side. But his bedroom on the other hand was a beautiful space with a large bed with an old-fashioned metal frame that looked like he was imagining being bound to it, and the dark blue comforter had flecks of red and gold in it. He had enough pillows to snuggle an army, but it all somehow matched Ruslan perfectly.

“This is going to be the perfect bed to do wicked things to you.” Giving him a sweet cheek kiss as he brightened at the praise, I didn’t let us get distracted by thefuck-mebed. “Show me your toys.”

He gave me another nod but words were still lacking as he led me over to a small closet and took down a large wood box that looked like it’d come from a fancy decorating store. He handed it over quickly like he was expecting the plugs to jump out and go boo, but I pretended not to notice. “Good boy.”

Giving his head a quick kiss, I took his hand and moved us and the box over to the end of the bed. “Remember, there are only a few reasons you’d need to tell me what you’re thinking.”

Reiterating that point had his shoulders looking more relaxed and he let out a slow breath. The drama queen really didn’t want to have to talk, so I sorted through the pile of plugs and anal vibrators that desperately needed some organization.

“This one.” I made sure to keep my voice even and confident even though I wanted to moan at how many wonderful toys he had. I wasn’t sure he was in the right headspace to truly understand how much I loved his needy side. “Now give me a kiss.”

Toy good.

Order better.

He’d quickly glanced at the slim prostate massager and seemed fine with it, but getting to kiss me and not answer a single question was clearly his favorite part. My cute nut threw himself at me and gave me an enthusiastic kiss, filled with relief and desire.
