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“Yes.” Nodding seriously, Russie frowned as he started working on Spiderman. “Daddy thinks I’m special.”

“That’s right.” I wasn’t sure what he was thinking about or if he was reassuring himself or me, but I did my best. “Your Daddy thinks you’re the most special boy and he likes being able to come over and have pancakes.”

Russie relaxed and smiled, a low giggle escaping as he started shuffling his feet back and forth. “I liked using the buttons to talk with Daddy.”

“Daddy liked it too.” Even if his curious boy had woken him up at a ridiculous hour.

But Daddies didn’t get to sleep in when curious subs needed attention…no matter what that looked like.

They did, however, get smiles and hugs and pictures for their walls, so they were well compensated for their struggles.

Chapter 13


“Russie?” Daddy had a very Daddy sound in his voice, so I looked extra special sweet when I smiled at him.

Good boy.

I was Daddy’s good boy. “Yes, Daddy?”

“I want you to remember that lying to Daddy isn’t nice.” Daddy ignored my pout and even my confused face. “Do you have to go potty?”

I was Daddy’s good boy.

“I’m a very nice boy, Daddy.” Little. Little. Little. Not big. “Very nice, Daddy.”

“Come on.” Daddy climbed up off the floor and took my hand, pretending I wasn’t pouting. “Spiderman needs to go potty.”

But I didn’t wanna.

“Spiderman goes potty or Spiderman gets a diaper.” Daddy even ignored me flopping to the ground. “Should Daddy pick?”


“Potty, Daddy.” Pouting hadn’t been right…I should have whined. “I hurry.”

Daddy snorted and followed me as I hurried to the potty. “Daddy read your limits list.”


I forgot.

Big me had been very excited but not smart.

“I’m fast, Daddy.” Big me was very naughty.

“Not too fast or you’ll make a mess.” Daddy stood outside the door as I hurried into the bathroom. “Sit. No messes. If you need help, you have to ask.”

Big me was veryverynot smart.

Daddy closed the door.

Bestest Daddy ever.

“No messes, Daddy.” No messes. Be careful so I don’t have to ask for help. “I’ll be good.”

