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His scoff said he didn’t believe it, but he let me hurry to the living room without actually voicing his disbelief with words.

That seemed to be as good as I was going to get, so I didn’t complain.

Grabbing a cushion off the couch, I gave a quick glance to the throw on the back and wondered if I should cover myself up so I didn’t distract him too much. It might help hide me but I also might melt, so I pushed the idea to the back of my head.

Master had inched the heat up to make sure I was comfortable and just the idea of being under the covers made me feel hot and itchy.

No, we’d try hiding another time.

Master had finally gotten into the spirit of the game as I walked back into the kitchen, actually looking at the notes he was supposed to be organizing into a paper. I wasn’t sure how much was pretend and how much he was actually retaining, but I was quiet as I crawled under the table with my cushion.

His groan said he’d finally started to at least guess what I was doing, but he continued looking at his work as I got into a comfortable position and released his pants. Master made another sexy sound but lifted his hips without asking what I was doing.

When I had his cock free and it was perfectly half-hard, I rested my head on his thigh and relaxed into him as I took it into my mouth. Making sure to keep it just far enough in that I wouldn’t have to worry about gagging or doing anything that would be too distracting, I closed my eyes and just held his cock in my mouth.

After a few long moments, Master let out a deep breath and one hand came down to pet my head. “That’s my good cockwarmer.”


It took me a few wiggles to get into the right position where I knew I could stay for a while. I wasn’t trying to kneel perfectly, so that made it easier, and once I had it down, Master gave my head a pat. “Just remember the rule.”

We stopped at uncomfortable.

I gave a faint nod, still doing my best to keep my muscles relaxed, but it must’ve been enough for Master because as he made a pleased sound, he actually seemed more at ease with the whole thing. “Good boy.”

His cock never got harder as he studied, which made me happy because it meant I wasn’t distracting him too much. But it was always the perfect mouthful and gave me a happy buzzy feeling in the back of my head that kept me relaxed and slightly fuzzy-brained.

The rest of the world slowly tuned out as I heard him writing and his fingers typing away at his keyboard. The last sound I had a clear memory of was hearing him mumble to himself about how he should’ve taken better notes to begin with, but after that, my memories were vague until I felt him petting my head again.

As my brain tuned back in, I realized I’d been sleeping and using his cock almost like a binkie. I’d probably find a way to be embarrassed later, but I was too foggy and Master looked too pleased for me to question anything at the moment. “Come here. You were so good for me.”

I was slightly achy as I wiggled out from under the table and climbed up on his lap, but that was mostly because I wasn’t twenty and indestructible any longer. But just shifting enough to straddle his legs brought it down to uncomfortable and not beyond that, so I wasn’t worried about disobeying Master.

He was worried about hurting me, though.

Snuggling me close, his hands caressed me and he massaged my thighs as he kissed my head. “How are you feeling?”

“Snuggly.” I needed a nap to help recover from my nap. “Did you get your work done?”

He chuckled, kissing my cheek that time as he made me moan when his hands hit the perfect spot to work out the tension. “Yes, I planned out the essay and got everything organized. I even started the opening paragraph, so I’m very pleased with my progress.”

I thought that’d been his goal, so I snuggled closer and pressed a kiss against his neck. “You did such a good job, Master. I’m proud of you.”

Staying focused was hard sometimes.

“You were a big help.” His hand started working back toward my ass, sending a shiver through me as flashes of what he might do fired through my mind. “But now you’re going to have another way to help me.”

There was a sexy growl to his voice that sent a shiver through me. “I like helping you, Master.”

“Good boy.” He kissed my cheek as his hands finally cupped my ass and started kneading it. “Bring your hands between us and wrap them around my cock. You’re going to reward me for all my hard work today.”

That help did sound like fun.

Tucking my hands between us, I wrapped my fingers around his dick, loving the way it was already fully erect. “I liked helping you study, Master.”

Yes, that was easy to admit.

His hands tightened and he started rocking me against him, almost feeling like we were making love as I softly jerked him off to the rhythm he set. “You found a very good surprise for me, so I’m glad you liked helping me.”
